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A throwback to the Clinton White House? Jeff Christensen and Shannon Stapleton/Reuters

A third term for the Clintons?

Hillary Clinton’s candidacy has revived an old controversy in a new way: presidential third terms. It is, as one historian explains, a controversy as old as the nation itself.
A pump for pain control, with highly addictive drug fentanyl via Wikimedia. DiverDave

Do opioids make pain worse?

New evidence suggests that opioids cause the immune system to run amok and, surprisingly, increase pain. Does this mean that opioids might be contributing to the chronic pain epidemic?
Mars mission with plasma rockets concept. NASA

Traveling to Mars with immortal plasma rockets

Getting to Mars with current rocket technology will use massive amounts of fuel to move very small cargoes. There is a more fuel-efficient way.
Why did Turkey’s government go after academics soon after the coup? Alkis Konstantinidis/Reuters

Why Turkey wants to silence its academics

A scholar who grew up in Turkey explains the important role Turkey’s academics play and why, following the recent coup, the government went after them.
Donald Trump pretending to sleep. The Republican candidate says four hours is enough sleep for him. REUTERS/Jonathan Drake

Even presidential candidates need sleep

Sleep is essential for good executive functioning and for good general health. So how do candidates keep up the grueling demands of their schedules?