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Science + Tech – Articles, Analysis, Opinion

Displaying 3301 - 3325 of 3653 articles

Who owns your thoughts? And other important questions raised by technology. Hands and brain via

Is it time for a presidential technoethics commission?

New and imagined digital technologies have important ethical implications. We should devise relevant social norms through a high-profile, public, collaborative process.
Inside the U.S. Army’s Cyber Operations Center at Fort Gordon, Georgia. Army-Cyber/flickr

America is ‘dropping cyberbombs’ – but how do they work?

The country’s actual offensive cyber capabilities remain shrouded in the classified world. But what is public is enough to discuss potential cyber weapons and how they might be used.
Criminals who hide their computers shouldn’t go free. Computer criminal via

Don’t let cybercriminals hide from the FBI

If a computer search would qualify for a warrant if its whereabouts were known, why should simply hiding its location make it legally unsearchable?
Who will make a better dance mix – a computer or a human? Copyright © Annelise Capossela; used by permission

Looking for art in artificial intelligence

Testing whether machines are capable of generating sonnets, short stories or dance music that is indistinguishable from human-generated works.
One balloting machine for all voters: universal design is accessible for everyone, with or without disabilities. University of Florida

How universal design can help every voter cast a ballot

In 2012, nearly one-third of voters with a disability had trouble voting. A 2002 law was supposed to fix this problem. New technology may have the answer at last.
Nano-architects design materials that can work together at very tiny scales, like these interlocking gears made of carbon tubes and benzene molecules. NASA

Molecular architects: how scientists design new materials

One of the great technological challenges of this century is to design novel items and then make them – and have the results match the intent.
Your phone’s just sitting there, innocently…. Tabletop image via

Your devices’ latest feature? They can spy on your every move

Bad guys or law enforcement could hack into our networked gadgets to spy on everything we do – and it’s not clear how a laptop’s video camera or an Amazon Echo fits within wiretapping laws.