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Science + Tech – Articles, Analysis, Opinion

Displaying 2076 - 2100 of 3653 articles

Many of us are connected some way, somehow. Arthimedes/

Our world is getting smaller

Social networks connecting us through kinship and friendship are often small. This can often lead to surprising points of connection between two people who do not know each other.
What makes a brain tick is very different from how computers operate. Yurchanka Siarhei/

Why a computer will never be truly conscious

Brain functions integrate and compress multiple components of an experience, including sight and smell – which simply can’t be handled in the way computers sense, process and store data.
Red quantum dots glow inside a rat brain cell. Nanoscale Advances, 2019, 1, 3424 - 3442

Quantum dots that light up TVs could be used for brain research

These tiny nanoparticles might provide a new way to see what’s happening in the brain and even deliver treatments to specific cells – if researchers figure out how to use them safely and effectively.
After 117 years, a third woman won a physics Nobel. Alexander Mahmoud, © Nobel Media AB 2018

Why don’t more women win science Nobels?

Progress has been made toward gender parity in science fields. But explicit and implicit barriers still hold women back from advancing in the same numbers as men to the upper reaches of STEM academia.
A schoolteacher in the midst of receiving a full pe'a, the traditional Samoan tattoo generally worn by males. Christopher Lynn

Untangling tattoos’ influence on immune response

An anthropologist works in American Samoa, taking advantage of the island’s longstanding tattoo culture to tease out the effects tattoos have on the body’s immune function.
When is bigger better? Willyam Bradberry/

Climate change created today’s large crocodiles

Paleontologists created an evolutionary map of how croc body size changed over the last 200 million years – with some interesting implications for today’s species.
Clifford Berry stands by the Atanasoff-Berry Computer. Courtesy of Iowa State University Library Special Collections and University Archives

What was the first computer?

The first computer, named the ABC, was built at Iowa State University. But for a long time, few had heard of it.
Same sex sexual behavior is common to many species and evolved millions of years ago. oneinchpunch/

An origin story for the queer community

Conversion therapy has been pushed on some in the LGBQ community by those who think same-sex sexual behavior is ‘unnatural.’ But such behavior seems to have evolved millions of years before humans.