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Science + Tech – Articles, Analysis, Opinion

Displaying 2251 - 2275 of 3653 articles

The far side looks a lot like the near side. NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio

What’s on the far side of the Moon?

The far side of the Moon sees its share of sunlight – it’s dark only in the sense that it’s mysterious because it’s never visible from Earth. Here’s why.
A board for the Prussian wargame of ‘Kriegsspiel.’ Matthew Kirschenbaum/Wikimedia Commons

War games shed light on real-world strategies

War games let you test your political and military acumen right at your kitchen table – while also helping you appreciate how decision-makers are limited by the choices of others.
From cats to dragonflies, Leonardo sketched scores of animals. Leonardo da Vinci/Royal Collection Trust

Leonardo da Vinci saw in animals the ‘image of the world’

Rather than prioritizing human beings at the pinnacle of the animal kingdom, Leonardo revered all living beings. When he compared people and animals, it’s the animals that often came out on top.
Are space twin Scott and Earth twin Mark no longer identical? Robert Markowitz/NASA

Does a year in space make you older or younger?

Before sending humans to Mars or the moon, scientists need to understand what long-term space living does to the human body. Now results are coming in from the Kelly brothers in the TWINS Study,
Some studies don’t hold up to added scrutiny. PORTRAIT IMAGES ASIA BY NONWARIT/

The replication crisis is good for science

Rising evidence shows that many psychology studies don’t stand up to added scrutiny. The problem has many scientists worried – but it could also encourage them to up their game.
Planes have many sensors, supplying all kinds of useful data. vaalaa/

Too many airplane systems rely on too few sensors

A pilot and researcher knows that airplanes are full of sensors – and finds a way onboard computers can use the data to detect equipment failure and tell pilots what’s a real emergency and what’s not.
Anne McClain of NASA runs through procedures in the Soyuz MS-11 spacecraft during a vehicle fit check Nov. 20. NASA/Victor Zelentsov

Female astronauts: How performance products like space suits and bras are designed to pave the way for women’s accomplishments

Designing for women goes beyond just making gear in a size small. By not tailoring equipment and uniforms for women and other underserved people, we prevent them from reaching their full potential.
Genealogy is the second most popular hobby in the United States. Steve Allen/

Genes and genealogy and making the most of famous relations

Before you attribute a trait to a famous ancestor like George Washington or Marie Antoinette, you might want to see how much DNA you actually share with these people. It’s not what you thought.