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Articles on Asylum seekers

Displaying 441 - 460 of 833 articles


Europe’s a challenging place for would-be Samaritans

God’s son, an early and astute observer of the limits of developmental economics, famously declared that “the poor will always be with you”. To judge by the otherwise enchanting streets of Paris, he knew…
Former and current immigration ministers Scott Morrison and Peter Dutton have yet to apologise for the expulsion of Save the Children Australia staff from Nauru. Sam Mooy/AAP

Malcolm Turnbull should have the government apologise ASAP to Save the Children over Nauru fiasco

The concept of “ministerial responsibility” means, among other things, that ministers are held accountable for what they say – right? But if you are the immigration minister in the Coalition government…
Treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder requires conditions better than refugees in Germany are experiencing. Reuterspics

Refugees’ suffering can’t be eased in their current conditions

The experience and situation of many of the refugees precludes successful treatment of PTSD due to the nature of the disorder and what it requires to ease.
Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi has flagged concerns about how the extra 12,000 refugees chosen for resettlement in Australia will be picked. AAP Image/Paul Miller

FactCheck: how are the 12,000 extra refugees coming to Australia chosen?

When asked about a plan to resettle an extra 12,000 refugees in Australia, Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi said that the UNHCR determines who is going to be sent to Australia or not. Is that right?
The task of identifying anyone fleeing a war zone, as many Syrians are, can be very challenging. Reuters/Alkis Konstantinidis

What do the Paris attacks mean for Australia’s Syrian refugee intake?

It beggars belief that there are people who have attached themselves to groups seeking to escape this barbarity. Their objectives are the very antithesis of those seeking sanctuary.
Australia’s response to its Universal Periodic Review by the UN Human Rights Council may be influenced by its bid for a seat on the council. UN Geneva

UN review puts Australia on the spot over human rights record

More than 100 countries have taken the opportunity to comment and make recommendations on Australia’s human rights record.
Amnesty International alleges breaches of law on transnational organised crime and human rights grounds in relation to Australia’s anti-people smuggling activities. AAP/Scott Fisher

Amnesty accuses Australia of violating international law – but any prosecutions are unlikely

Amnesty International believes its evidence shows that Australia organised or directed the crew of an asylum seeker boat to commit the crime of people smuggling into Indonesia.
Harmony Day is part of efforts in Australia to promote social cohesion, which showed a marked improvement in 2015, according to the Scanlon Foundation survey. Wikimedia Commons/DIAC Images

Social cohesion survey puts Abbott’s final months as PM in a new light

Despite perceptions of a divided and troubled nation, social cohesion in Australia actually improved on most measures in 2015, the latest Scanlon Foundation survey finds.
Immigration Minister Peter Dutton says Abyan will be returning to Australia. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Amnesty alleges criminal activity in border control

An Amnesty International investigation has found Australian officials may have paid money to the crew of a boat intercepted in July – the second such alleged incident.
Tony Abbott’s speech to conservatives in London overlooks the differences between Australia and Europe in the numbers of refugees. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Abbott tells Europe: do things my way

Tony Abbott’s initial post-prime ministerial public foray on the policy front has been narrow cast and hard line.

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