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Articles on Better Cities

Displaying 261 - 280 of 311 articles

Mick Tsikas/AAP

The market has failed to give Australians affordable housing, so don’t expect it to solve the crisis

While the Productivity Commission’s critique of the national housing agreement is justified, its faith in the market is not. The Albanese government is right to invest in building social housing.

Cars have taken over our neighbourhoods. Kid-friendly superblocks are a way for residents to reclaim their streets

Residential ‘stroads’ – neighbourhood streets that have become rat runs for through traffic – can be turned back into safe, mixed-use streets that put residents’ and children’s needs first.
Shops, offices, gyms and apartments dominate Brisbane’s ‘mixed use’ zone. Rachel Gallagher

How we accidentally planned the desertion of our cities

The zoning policies that planners introduced to create vibrant and resilient mixed-use neighbourhoods have had the opposite effect, as services and residential developments crowd out light industry.
Photo: Jaana Dielenberg

Climate change threatens up to 100% of trees in Australian cities, and most urban species worldwide

Urban plantings are part of the solution to living in warmer cities, but most tree and shrub species in the world’s cities will struggle too. The impacts on liveability could be huge.

A rapid shift to electric vehicles can save 24,000 lives and leave us $148bn better off over the next 2 decades

Air pollution from traffic causes the deaths of thousands of Australians. A swift transition to electric vehicles will save lives – and save households and businesses money in the long run.

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