Moritz Merklein
PhD candidate in Brillouin optomechanics, University of Sydney
Gernot Heiser
Scientia Professor and John Lions Chair, UNSW Sydney
Siraj Ahmed Shaikh
Professor of Systems Security, Coventry University
Birgit Stiller
Research Fellow in Photonics, University of Sydney
Yuval Yarom
Researcher, CSIRO’s Data61; Senior Lecturer, University of Adelaide
Benjamin J. Eggleton
Professor; ARC Laureate Fellow, Director, ARC Centre of Excellence for Ultrahigh bandwidth Devices for Optical Systems, University of Sydney
Andrew Johnston
Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, University of Huddersfield
Carol Handwerker
Professor of Materials Engineering, Purdue University
Robert Huggins
Professor of Economic Geography, Cardiff University
Lauren Biernacki
Ph.D. Candidate in Computer Science & Engineering, University of Michigan
Todd Austin
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Michigan
R. Stanley Williams
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University
Michael Fuhrer
Professor of Physics, Monash University
Christopher Decker
Professor of Economics, University of Nebraska Omaha
Errol Hunt
Senior Communication Coordinator, Monash University