Unlike human eyes, dogs’ eyes are located more to the side of the skull. That gives them a wider field of vision.
Your faithful companion sees the world differently than you do, but it’s a mistake to assume dogs only see black, white and shades of grey.
It’s disconcerting to think the way two people perceive the world might be totally different.
Mads Perch/Stone via Getty Images
Neuroscientists tackling the age-old question of whether perceptions of color hold from one person to the next are coming up with some interesting answers.
Don’t worry that your dog’s world is visually drab.
Kevin Short/EyeEm via Getty Images
Your faithful friend’s view of the world is different than yours, but maybe not in the way you imagine.
Give yourself time and you can see in the dark.
Anton Watman/Shutterstock.com
Just the tiniest bit of light can let you see in the ‘dark.’ Here’s how your eyes do it.