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Articles on Conservatism

Displaying 81 - 88 of 88 articles

With his strong views on industrial relations, Family First senator Bob Day is what we might call a ‘conservative libertarian’. AAP/Lukas Coch

Changing the soul: are conservatives the new radicals?

Few members of the 20th-century political right were more important than Milton Friedman. As an academic, author, television presenter and adviser to Ronald Reagan – who once described his show Free to…
Back after going missing for more than a century: the New Guinea big-eared bat. Julie Broken-Brow/supplied

‘Lost’ bat species rediscovered after 120 years in the wilderness

More than a century after it was “lost”, the New Guinea big-eared bat has been discovered by Queensland researchers working in Papua New Guinea’s forests. The critically endangered bat was thought to be…
They’ve got their own issues. Chicago Man

Getting older doesn’t make you more conservative

Seventy years ago Swedish sociologist and Nobel Peace Prize winner Alva Myrdal pointed out in Nation and Family the generational bias inherent in democratic political systems: young voters will be old…
Green shoots, or cash? Lewis Whyld/PA

Green Conservatism shriveled after banks went to the wall

As Conservatives head to Manchester for their annual party conference this weekend, it seems a very long time since David Cameron, then newly-elected party leader, urged the electorate to “Vote Blue, Go…
When you’re smiling: research has previously shown the more politically conservative you are, the happier you tend to be. But how true is it? AAP/Alan Porritt

Jokers to the right: why conservatives are happier

Although Labor supporters may find it easier to smile since the impending election became something of a contest in June, Coalition voters may always have more to smile about. It has nothing to do with…

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