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Articles on Conservatism

Displaying 41 - 60 of 88 articles

The Left’s Gift to Nixon

The Left’s Gift to Nixon
1968 is often remembered as a time when protest galvanized the left. But it was also the year that Richard Nixon won the White House — which Republicans would control for most of the next two decades.

Fear of a Non-Nuclear Family

Fear of a Non-Nuclear Family CC BY-ND38.2 MB (download)
In 1968 the idea of the ideal American family was the father as breadwinner, stay-at-home mom, two kids and a white picket fence. But the women's movement and other forces were beginning to change this – and inspire a conservative backlash that persists to this day.
Maxime Bernier announces he will leave the Conservative party during a news conference in Ottawa on Aug. 23, 2018. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld

Maxime Bernier’s bold move

Maxime Bernier has announced he’s forming a new conservative party to challenge Andrew Scheer’s Conservatives. Don’t count him out. Politics has shown us recently that the impossible can happen.
The divisive right-wing Brazilian presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro, seen in here on a campaign poster, is often likened to Donald Trump. Some supporters take pride in the comparison. Reuters/Ricardo Moraes

Brazilian evangelicals, swinging hard to the right, could put a Trump-like populist in the presidency

Brazil’s evangelical Christians are an increasingly powerful political force. These conservative, faith-based voters are now backing a divisive firebrand known for racist remarks for the presidency.
Ontario PC supporters react after Doug Ford was elected premier of Ontario on June 7, 2018. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Nathan Denette

Doug Ford’s challenge: Keeping the ‘ordered’ voter

Doug Ford will have to work hard to hold onto voters who feel marginalized and cast their ballots for him seeking order and stability. Here’s why that could be a challenge.
Cory Bernardi announces the recruitment of the Australian Christian Lobby’s Lyle Shelton to his Australian Conservatives political party. Regi Varghese/AAP

Why the Australian Christian right has weak political appeal

Despite attempts to import its ideas, evangelical Christianity has never held the same political appeal in Australia as it does in the United States.
Liberal Democratic Party Senator David Leyonhjelm is the only libertarian in the federal parliament. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Are Australians ready to embrace libertarianism?

Libertarianism is a minority concern in Australian politics, but it offers a philosophical framework to understand contemporary social and economic challenges.
Tony Abbott launches Pauline Hanson’s book at Parliament House in Canberra. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Tony Abbott and the revenge of the ‘delcons’

Tony Abbott’s supporters are derided as delusional conservatives, but they have immense political impact and are determined to bring down Malcolm Turnbull.
John Howard, pictured here with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, is fond of describing the Liberal Party as a “broad church”. But that breadth has led to increasing fracture within the party in recent years. AAP/Dean Lewins

Can the Liberal Party hold its ‘broad church’ of liberals and conservatives together?

The battle between liberals and conservatives continues to split the Liberal Party, but its past heroes would find the ideological division puzzling.
One of the worst examples of identity politics came from Malcolm Turnbull on Monday’s Q&A program. ABC News

How conservatives use identity politics to shut down debate

Conservatives are often critical of ‘identity politics’ for silencing dissenting views. But on ABC’s Q&A on Monday night Malcolm Turnbull presented a very narrow vision of national identity.
Conservative politicians in Australia push the ‘outsider politics’ theory to bring disenchanted voters back into the tent. Regi Varghese/AAP

Same-sex marriage results crush the idea that Australian voters crave conservatism

The ‘yes’ vote disproves that the rise of the minor party vote is the result of a cultural backlash from people who reject the progressive agenda, including the expansion of rights for minorities.
Bill English addresses supporters at the National Party election night event. AAP

New Zealand votes for conservatism and the status quo

New Zealanders have given the centre-right National Party a fourth consecutive term in office, despite a strong showing from Labour’s Jacinda Ardern.
Abbott’s Right ignores completely the influence of Catholic thinking on the former prime minister. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Book review: Abbott’s Right

A new book attempts to cloak Tony Abbott in a political philosophy, but is not entirely convincing.

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