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Articles on Diabetes

Displaying 381 - 392 of 392 articles

Doing your nut helps diabetes

Eating nuts helps control diabetes and prevents some consequences of the condition, according to University of Toronto researchers…
Psammomys obesus or the Israeli sand rat provides an insight into how the thrifty gene hypothesis may work. Tino Strauss

Explainer: Diabetes and obesity – the biggest epidemic in human history

In the last few decades, the number of people with diabetes has more than doubled globally, making the combination of type 2 diabetes and obesity (known as diabesity) the largest epidemic the world has…

A strawberry a day keeps the doctor away

Fisetin, a naturally-occurring flavonoid found mostly in strawberries, lessens complications associated with diabetes, according…
There is an association between poor mental health and health risk factors for diabetes such as physical inactivity, poor diet, smoking and obesity, the report said. Flickr

Over 40% Australian adult diabetics have poor mental health

More than 40% of Australian adult diabetics also experience mental health problems, according to a report released by the government’s Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW). More than 800,000…
The number of people smoking daily has dropped but 60% of Australian adults are now overwight or obese, a government study found. Flickr

Over 60% Australian adults now overweight or obese

Over 60% of Australian adults are now overweight or obese, according to a report released today by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. The report, Key indicators of progress for chronic disease…
Keeping weight off is much harder than losing weight in the first instance. AAP

Weighing up the options on obesity

Prevention is the cornerstone of society’s response to the current obesity epidemic. But even if no more people were to gain much more weight, those who are already obese face serious health problems…
Mentally ill Australians have a life expectancy 25 years lower than the rest of the population. AAP

Mental illness is no excuse for turning a blind eye to smoking

Almost half of all cigarettes smoked in Australia, the US and the UK are smoked by people with a mental illness. It’s a startling statistic and it paints a grim picture for the physical health of the one…
Type 1 diabetics often rely on insulin injection pens but early trials show a nasal spray could prevent diabetes developing. Flickr

Nasal spray vaccine may stop diabetes, early tests show

A nasal spray vaccine may prevent type 1 diabetes from developing in humans, early trial results show. Type 1 diabetics usually rely on daily insulin injections to normalise their ability to break down…
Even modest weight loss can reduce your risk of developing diabetes. Anya Quinn

Preventing diabetes with the right diet

We’ve come a long way in our understanding of diabetes over the past few decades. Rather than cutting down on sugar, the prevention and management of diabetes hinges on weight control and a balanced diet…

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