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Articles on Energy transition

Displaying 201 - 211 of 211 articles

Pumped hydro: all you really need is some reservoirs and a big hill. AAP Image/Lukas Coch

Want energy storage? Here are 22,000 sites for pumped hydro across Australia

Electricity storage is vital to the stability of a renewable energy grid. The world’s favourite form of storage is pumped hydro – and researchers have located thousands of candidate sites.
What a gas: one of Moreland’s new hydrogen-powered garbage trucks. Takver/

Of renewables, Robocops and risky business

A local council goes for hydrogen. A state government goes for lithium and mirrors. They are taking punts on technology. What are the risks?
Women are making inroads in the solar industry, but still represent only about 25 percent of the U.S. solar work force.

Dear Hillary: Where are the women in your energy strategy?

Women are underrepresented in the energy sector at a time of rapid change and demand for new talent. Hiring more women could make energy companies more innovative and speed the shift to clean fuels.

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