In an effort to save Lake Pedder from a hydro-electricity scheme, the world’s first political party with a foundation in environmental values was formed in Tasmania.
Political parties often weather internal storms. There are many Greens in Canada who are hoping the Green Party can do so too after Annamie Paul’s leadership laid bare serious issues in the party.
With a very close result as counting continues, it could be weeks or even months before a government is formed. But Sunday’s election has already delivered some significant results.
New research examines how recent federal elections would have been affected if optional preferential voting had been used. The results were not favourable to Labor.
Many countries have decided a Green New Deal is exactly the right stimulus response to the COVID crisis. Australia’s steadfast investment in fossil fuels will only hold us back.
The Greens senator-elect believes a treaty should be prioritised over a Voice to Parliament. But we believe a Voice can be a pragmatic first step toward deeper reform.
Adam Bandt on Greens’ hopes for future power sharing
The Conversation, CC BY40.6 MB(download)
Adam Bandt expresses his disappointment with Labor's coal rhetoric. He says they have a decision to make: work with the Greens, or determine whether they have more in common with the Liberals.
Natale’s shock resignation comes as former deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce announced he would challenge Nationals leader Michael McCormack if there was a move for a leadership spill on Tuesday.
There is an obvious point upon which the LNP, Labor and Greens might agree to move policy forward: the national ‘cap and trade’ emissions trading system proposed by John Howard in 2007.
Labor continues to be hung up on a decade-old Greens’ decision to oppose an emissions trading scheme in 2009. But responsibility for Australia’s climate policy void lies elsewhere.
The progressive left should not content itself with being a junior partner in Liberal minority governments. In the next election, they should seek to propose a principled, realistic alternative.
Director, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute & Professor of Medical Biology, and an honorary principal fellow in the Department of Zoology at the University of Melbourne, WEHI (Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research)