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Articles on Human rights

Displaying 541 - 560 of 1011 articles

Despite numerous inquiries and hundreds of recommendations in mental health over the years, little has changed. from

If we’re to have another inquiry into mental health, it should look at why the others have been ignored

The key challenge in mental health is finding the political will and the financial and community resources to do what has already been described in thousands of pages and hundreds of recommendations.
Trump, like Obama before him, has enjoyed a close relationship with Saudi Arabia’s royal family. AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Saudi Arabia is a repressive regime – and so are a lot of US allies

Critics say Trump’s defense of Saudi Arabia in the Khashoggi affair betrays American values. But many presidents have cozied up to dictators, ignoring human rights abuses to serve US interests.
Robert Mahoney of the Committee to Protect Journalists on Oct. 18 appealed to the U.N. to investigate the disappearance of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton

Jamal Khashoggi: Casualty of the Trump administration’s disregard for democracy and civil rights in the Middle East?

The Trump administration’s abandonment of support for democracy and civil rights abroad may be behind the sort of attacks on individual freedom that likely claimed journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s life.
One of the survivors of Indonesia’s 1965-1966 anti-communist violence, Sa'anah from Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Adrian Mulya, from Penyintas Kehidupan [Winners of Life], Jakarta: KPG, 2014.

Palu earthquake and tsunami swept away some of Indonesia’s most important human rights activism

Palu, the capital city of Central Sulawesi province in Indonesia, recently devastated by an earthquake and tsunami, is a trailblazing city with progressive human rights initiatives.

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