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Articles on Human rights

Displaying 501 - 520 of 1011 articles

Chen Yabian, 74, of Hainan Province, southern China, testifies during the International Symposium on Chinese ‘Comfort Women’ in 2000 in Shanghai that she was 14 when Japanese Imperial Army soldiers forced her to work as a sex slave during the war. AP/Eugene Hoshiko

Recent attempts at reparations show that World War II is not over

US agreements with Germany, France, Switzerland and Austria provide reparations to WWII victims. But an international law scholar writes that the US has failed to address war crimes in Asia.
The Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, who have tracked over 100 children stolen by Argentina’s 1976-1983 military junta, were among the human rights activists that pushed the US to declassify intelligence documents related to the dictatorship. Reuters/Marcos Brindicci

Truth, justice and declassification: Secret archives show US helped Argentine military wage ‘dirty war’ that killed 30,000

Traveling death squads. Sadistic torture techniques. Stolen babies. The US helped it all happen by aiding Argentina’s military regime in the 1970s, according to newly declassified documents.
Founded by former presenter Grace Natalie, PSI is also known as a new party that specifically targets the minority votes. Courtesy of PSI/@psi_id

One party’s lonely battle for minority voices in Indonesia

A new political party called Indonesian Solidarity Party, or PSI, brings new hope for the marginalised people by raising minority issues in its campaign
Premier François Legault, left, and Simon Jolin-Barrette, minister of immigration, diversity and inclusiveness, are seen at the provincial legislature in late March 2019. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jacques Boissinot

The supposed benefits of Québec secularism bill don’t outweigh the costs

While few would deny secularism and religious neutrality are legitimate goals, they don’t justify Bill 21’s undue restriction of minority rights.
Conservative lawmakers in dozens of U.S. states have raised fears that Islamic fundamentalists want to impose Sharia on Americans. Reuters/David Ryder

Don’t blame Sharia for Islamic extremism – blame colonialism

There is no inherent tension between Islam and democratic values. Like any use of religion in politics, the application of Sharia as law depends on who is using it – and why.
Students walk past a cross on campus at Trinity Western University in Langley, B.C., in February 2017. The school was at the centre of a court battle pitting equality rights against freedom of religion. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck

The legal conflict between equality rights and freedom of religion

We must acknowledge that shifting historically vulnerable groups away from the margins means making room in spaces where these groups have not traditionally been welcomed.

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