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Articles on Investments

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An Otis escalator in Norrköping, Sweden. The company was spun off by its former parent, United Technologies, in 2020.

How independent are business spin-offs, really?

New research published in Long Range Planning provides insights on how a spin-off’s status and attachment to its former parent influence its risk-taking.
Good governance is critical for growth. But Canadian startups haven’t yet got a handle on the importance of governance when seeking investors. (Ravi Roshan/Unsplash)

Canadian startups need to focus on corporate governance to grow and thrive

Good business requires good governance, and startups require a particular kind of governance to help them grow and prosper. That’s why it’s so important for startups to get governance right early on.
Global economic support for COVID-19 relief is providing an opportunity to kick-start a shift toward a green future. Maksim Chernyshev/EyeEm via Getty Images

Coronavirus relief funds could easily pay to stop the worst of climate change while rebooting economies

Over US$12 trillion of COVID-19 relief has been promised. If a small portion was put toward economy-boosting green investments, the world could get on track to avoid the worst of climate change.

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