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Articles on Maternal health

Displaying 81 - 100 of 155 articles

Doulas support women before, during and after childbirth. A new review explores the important role they play. From

What is a doula and how do they help women giving birth?

Supporting women to have a labour companion or doula of their choice during childbirth has benefits for women and their babies. It could be especially important for women from migrant backgrounds.
Up to half of stillbirths happen unexpectedly and a clear cause is never identified. from

Five ways to reduce the risk of stillbirth

A Senate Report has put forward 16 recommendations to reduce rates of stillbirth in Australia targeting a 20% reduction in the rate within three years. We can do this by focusing on five practices.
There is a lack of information on medications for pregnant women because many clinical trials specifically exclude pregnant women. From

Why researchers are testing Viagra for women during pregnancy

A new wave of research is looking at how drugs we’re already familiar with can be used in prenancy to improve outcomes for unborn babies.
In Mozambique, gender-based violence, early marriage and early pregnancy all play a part in compromising the health of mothers and infants. (Nazeem Muhajarine)

New research partnership makes childbirth safer in Mozambique

Mozambique has one of the highest maternal death rates in the world. Researchers hope to reduce this, with an ambitious project aimed at empowering women and girls.
While death rates from heart and kidney disease have dropped among Indigenous people, death rates from cancer are on the rise. from

To close the health gap, we need programs that work. Here are three of them

Politicians make sweeping statements on how to close the gap. But here’s advice from people working directly with Indigenous communities who have evidence for what actually works.

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