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Articles on Mental workload

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En essayant d'être multitâche, nous reportons en réalité notre attention d'une tâche à l'autre rapidement, ce qui peut mener à une surcharge cognitive. perfectlab/Shutterstock

Mental workload: how can we prevent our brains from overheating?

Despite being a central concept in the digital age, mental workload remains difficult to define and study in real-life situations.
Tracking your heart rate, pace or average ascent during a jog is becoming common practice. (Shutterstock)

Why some amateur athletes are giving up on smartwatches

To better measure their activity and become members of a sports community, many amateur athletes are adopting smartwatches and digital tools. But others are giving them up.
Beset by advertisements and noxious information, our attention is increasingly fractured. Shutterstock

When critical thinking isn’t enough: to beat information overload, we need to learn ‘critical ignoring’

Lateral reading, self-nudging and a persistent refusal to feed the trolls are some of the ways one can better manage information.
Media multitasking: constantly juggling media and non-media activities, often using multiple digital devices. GettyImages

Your phone and your brain - what we know so far

Analysis of 46 studies indicates that there’s still a lot of uncertainty about the long-term impacts of digital device use on cognition.
Seorang pegawai perempuan mengenakan masker saat bekerja di Dinas Informasi Komunikasi dan Statistik Riau di Kota Pekanbaru. A woman office worker wearing mask while working in Riau Department of Information Communication and Statistics in Pekanbaru City.

Research: masculine offices add to the burden of female office workers during COVID-19 pandemic

Female office workers have faced a growing burden during the pandemic.

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