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Articles on Microaggression

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Fat stigma can take the form of overt discrimination, but it is often insidious, pervasively entrenched into our society and environment. (Shutterstock)

Stop asking me if I’ve tried keto: Why weight stigma is more than just being mean to fat people

Weight stigma doesn’t have to be malicious or targeted directly at a person to cause harm. Fat microaggressions lead to poorer health, well-being and life outcomes among fat people.
Coping with everyday affronts comes at a cost and requires a certain level of emotional suppression. RyanJLane/E+ via Getty Images

Racism produces subtle brain changes that lead to increased disease risk in Black populations

Racial threats and slights take a toll on health, but the continual invalidation and questioning of whether those so-called microaggressions exist has an even more insidious effect, research shows.
Research has found people with ethnic-sounding names have felt they need to use more “English-friendly” names to be considered for job interviews. shutterstock

What is a name microaggression and could you be doing it without knowing?

Name microaggression refers to negative assumptions about people with ethnic-sounding birth names. This can lead to bigger acts of discrimination, which causes harm to people with these names.

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