Julien Periard
Research professor, University of Canberra
Katie Miles
PhD Researcher, Aberystwyth University
Brad Clark
Senior research fellow, University of Canberra
Michal Apollo
Adjunct Professor of Earth Science, University of Silesia in Katowice
Dawn Hollis
Research Fellow, School of Classics, University of St Andrews
Edurne Pasabán Lizarribal
Profesora asociada, IE University
Elisa Burrai
Senior Lecturer in Tourism and International Development, Leeds Beckett University
Sandra McLaren
Associate professor, The University of Melbourne
Yana Wengel
Associate Professor in Tourism and Geography, Hainan University
Bryn Hubbard
Professor of Glaciology, Aberystwyth University
Borja Santos Porras
Vice Dean and Professor of Practice - IE School of politics, economics and global affairs, IE University
Alton C. Byers
Senior Research Associate, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado Boulder
Jonathan Westaway
Senior Research Fellow in History, University of Central Lancashire
Adele Doran
Principal Lecturer/Research & Innovation Lead, Sheffield Hallam University
Tom Matthews
Senior Lecturer in Environmental Geography, King's College London