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Articles on Parenting

Displaying 501 - 520 of 878 articles

Children can show clingy behaviour at any stage up to late primary school years. from

Is my child being too clingy and how can I help?

When children are being clingy, they’re communicating their feelings. This is normal and healthy. Parents can help by acknowledging the feelings that come with their child’s behaviour.
Summing up a student in numbers. Chatchai Kritsetsakul/

How to teach and parent better in the age of big data

US schools now collect detailed data on their students. But teachers and parents need to think carefully about how that data is used – and what it shows, or doesn’t show, about a student.
Parks are places where children make their own decisions, explore their imaginations and expand their abilities. Daxiao Productions/Shutterstock

Why suburban parks offer an antidote to helicopter parenting

Parents are more willing to let children do their own thing in parks. It’s a chance for children to make their own decisions, explore their abilities and imaginations, and weigh up risks.
Research with Canadian families found that modelling of healthy food intake by fathers, but not by mothers, was associated with a healthier diet among their children. (Shutterstock)

Fathers are vitally important to their kids’ health and to public health research

Most Canadian children spend too much time on screens and don’t eat enough fruit and vegetables. Fathers can help by modelling healthy behaviours and getting involved in research.
Bubble-wrapping children doesn’t work. They need to experience mild adversity, to know how to overcome it when they inevitably face it in life. (Shutterstock)

From playground risks to college admissions: Failure helps build kids’ resilience

Paying to get your kids into prestigious universities is an example of a ‘bulldozer parenting’ trend, which reduces exposure to failure and can lead to mental health difficulties.

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