Acronyms like BIPOC can highlight the similar ways racism impacts different people. However, they can also gloss over the distinct experiences of communities.
Black youth felt their age and inexperience were often disregarded by police officers who held them wholly responsible for knowing and abiding by the law.
African Nova Scotians have historically suffered the negative consequences of urban redevelopment. New projects in Halifax must involve genuine engagement with racialized communities.
While policy organizations publicly claim that they want input from racialized and other marginalized communities, many fail to listen to, accept or integrate what those communities have to say.
The continued reliance on outdated indicators of police performance reinforce conventional ideas of police sustainability rather than align with the concerns of “defund the police” advocates.
In recent years, Indigenous land defenders have lived under increasing police and state surveillance while far-right, conspiratorial movements have not.
When COVID-19 first appeared, some called it the great equalizer. But the facts quickly revealed a grim reality: COVID-19 disproportionately impacts racialized communities.
The COVID-19 pandemic risks making Canada’s already woeful record on child welfare worse. To safeguard a future for our children, governments must prioritize their care.
The pandemic’s mental health toll is not distributed equally. Its impact is disproportionately felt by racialized groups, Indigenous Peoples, people with disabilities and those experiencing poverty.
By making skilled workers the target of his latest anti-immigration policy, U.S. president Trump signals that he is willing to play to his far right base even if it undermines America’s economic interests.
News of Canada’s successful immigrant students glosses over important stories of racism, for example the ‘streaming’ of Black males. But without more data beyond Toronto, the story is hard to share.
Adjunct Professor, Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development at Ontario Institute for the Study of Education (OISE) and Senior Policy Fellow at the Atkinson Centre, University of Toronto