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Articles on Regulation

Displaying 301 - 320 of 424 articles

Financial inclusion has been touted as one of the solutions to addressing poverty in South Africa. REUTERS/Siphiwe Sibeko

South Africa’s social grants: busting the myth about financial inclusion

Entities at the centre of the storm engulfing South Africa’s social grants distribution system have claimed to be champions of financial inclusion. The claim in itself is scandalous.
Prairie potholes in South Dakota are important breeding and feeding areas for many types of birds. Under the Clean Water Rule, farmers cannot fill them in or discharge pollutants into them without a permit. Laura Hubers, USFWS/Flickr

Why farmers and ranchers think the EPA Clean Water Rule goes too far

President Trump signed an executive order to roll back the 2015 Clean Water Rule. Two water experts explain why the rule alarms farmers and ranchers concerned about over-regulation.
The Volkswagen emissions scandal reveals a lot about corporate governance in different countries. AAP Image/EPA

What we can all learn from the VW emissions saga

The Volkswagen emissions scandal highlights the benefits of the German corporate governance system, as well as the worst of lobbying around the world.
State conservation officials from Florida and Georgia work in 2014 to remove a heavy length of fishing rope from a right whale’s mouth. FL Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission/Flickr

New US seafood rule shows global trade and conservation can work together

A new US seafood import rule requires supplier countries to control accidental bycatch of whales, seals and other marine mammals – showing that global trade and conservation can reinforce each other.
President-elect Trump’s twitter account has the power to devastate companies’ share prices. Des Moines/Reuters

Politicians who tweet-shame risk economic damage

Tweet-shaming from politicians isn’t the best way to regulate companies – it hurts investments, shareholders and ultimately the economy.
A whirlwind of speculation about Deutsche Bank’s health has surrounded its headquarters in Munich. AP Photo/Michael Probst

Deutsche Bank turmoil shows risks of weakening bank capital standards

Is the financial system headed for another ‘Lehman moment’? Perhaps, but a bailout isn’t the solution. More capital is, something Trump should remember as he rewrites U.S. bank rules.
Tobacco companies are adapting to Australia’s plain packaging laws by lowering prices and changing their marketing strategies. Chris Wattie/Reuters

How the tobacco industry is gaming Australian health regulations

Big tobacco companies have found a way around plain packaging with clever marketing techniques that undermine Australian regulations.

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