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Articles on Startups

Displaying 101 - 119 of 119 articles

New Assistant Minister for Innovation, Wyatt Roy, has his sights set on Silicon Valley. AAP Image/Lukas Coch for Buzzfeed

Startup nation: the rhetoric and the reality

The new Assistant Minister for Innovation, Wyatt Roy, wants to promote tech start-ups in Australia. But is that such a prudent policy?
A fresh start is needed for science and innovation from new PM Malcolm Turnbull and Industry, Innovation and Science Minister Christopher Pyne. AAP Image/Lukas Coch

The role of science and innovation in a 21st-century government

The challenge for a 21st century Australian government is to capitalise on research and create new jobs, industries and opportunities for the coming century.
An Ethiopian girl sells barley seeds in northern Tigray. The sub-Saharan Africa seed industry remains largely informal. REUTERS/Radu Sigheti

Local start-ups hold the key to transforming Africa’s seed industry

The seed industry in sub-Saharan Africa suffers from many challenges. India, which has one of the biggest seed markets in the world, offers some lessons on how these challenges could be overcome.
Not bad for budget. Maxene Huiyu /

French airline brings back business class on a budget

Airline profitability is cyclical. The industry is extremely vulnerable to many factors outside of its control from terrorism, volcanic eruptions and economic downturns that reduce demand to wildly fluctuating…
Many governments are realising high-growth tech companies have the keys to their country’s economic future. Peter Dasilva/EPA/AAP

We need to put high-growth tech companies on the G20 agenda

The world was a very different place in December 1999 when the first G20 met in Berlin. Steve Jobs had just taken back the reins at Apple, but Facebook, Google, Twitter and the dot-com bust were figments…
One more coffee, then we’ll get our £1m idea. jisc_infonet

Why universities are the best places to start a business

Creative ideas and how we turn them into successful business ventures and social enterprises are vital to the UK’s global competitiveness. But how do we best support this? Of course there are many different…
Bright lights, dot London. Alexander Kachkaev

Small businesses get a shot at the big time with .London

The launch of the .London domain name has been accompanied by a great deal of hype but the change is more than just cosmetic. This is a real opportunity for smaller organisations to make their mark in…
Australian technology firms are being lured overseas, to list on stock exchanges in the US and in London. Elias Gayles/Flickr

London’s calling and Australian tech firms are answering

When Australian online labour market company Freelancer decided to list publicly on the Australian Stock Exchange last year, they did so in part to spur investment in the local technology industry. That…
For many Australians, the lure of the Valley is the feeling of being in a place that understands their risky business. Image sourced from

Beyond Silicon Valley: start-up hubs in Australia’s backyard

There were some raised eyebrows when the smiling faces of Atlassian founders Scott Farquhar and Mike Cannon-Brookes appeared at the top of Business Review Weekly’s annual young rich list. The business…

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