Tony Abbott’s proposal for a constitutional change to make it easier for a government to pass legislation blocked by the Senate does not have support in his own electorate, according to polling.
Bots have not just been used in the US, but also in Australia, the UK, Germany, Syria and China. To what extent – and how – are they affecting political discourse?
The possible axing of the Green Army, which aimed to put thousands to work tending conservation projects, leaves many questions unanswered - the biggest being the reason for the sudden retreat.
Former prime minister Tony Abbott has taken a swipe at Malcolm Turnbull’s ‘innovation’ narrative and called for ‘another big push’ on repairing the budget.
The pressure on Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to bend to the conservative right factions of the Liberal and National parties has been compounded by the election of Donald Trump.
Malcolm Turnbull has said coal will be important for “many decades to come” – joining a long line of prime ministers who talked big on climate policy but found themselves talking up fossil fuels.
Malcolm Turnbull and Mike Baird triumphed over Tony Abbott at the NSW Liberals’ weekend meeting but it remains to be seen whether their initiative for broad reform will lead to meaningful democratisation…
The Turnbull-Abbott hostilities erupted in a very public manner this week over the terms of a ban on the importation of the Adler seven-shot lever-action shotgun.
Malcolm Turnbull and Tony Abbott are sharply at odds over Abbott’s denial of knowledge about a 2015 deal to insert a sunset clause on the import ban of a shotgun.
Malcolm Turnbull is like the man who threw down a match, started a fire, and is now struggling to breathe because of the smoke. He has inadvertently become the centre of a debate on guns which is at least…
It is inevitable that Australia will, in the not-too-distant future, allow two people to marry regardless of their gender. But which prime minister will get to claim this as their legacy?
Is Malcolm Turnbull at risk of finding himself in a similar situation to Julia Gillard, with a disillusioned public settling into a negative view that transcends achievements of the moment?
Both Labor frontbencher Anthony Albanese and Liberal backbencher Cory Bernardi were in the business of stirring expectations in interviews on Sunday. And if those expectations take hold, that’s particularly…
Since his ascendancy, the currently trim and muscular-looking Malcolm Turnbull has – for an Australian prime minister – had unusually little to say about sport.
As the changing nature of political participation presents increasing challenges for parties, we are likely to see more experimentation with new forms of participation, not less.