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Articles on Tony Abbott

Displaying 121 - 140 of 810 articles

The government has shown no interest in Tony Abbott’s idea, which on the past record of referendums would almost certainly fail. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Abbott hasn’t convinced own electors on Senate curb

Tony Abbott’s proposal for a constitutional change to make it easier for a government to pass legislation blocked by the Senate does not have support in his own electorate, according to polling.
Pro-Donald Trump bots worked to sway public opinion in the US election by secretly taking over pro-Hillary Clinton hashtags and spreading fake news stories. Reuters/Lucas Jackson

Bots without borders: how anonymous accounts hijack political debate

Bots have not just been used in the US, but also in Australia, the UK, Germany, Syria and China. To what extent – and how – are they affecting political discourse?
Tony Abbott launched the Green Army program, and remains a big fan. AAP Image/Britta Campion

Why give the Green Army its marching orders?

The possible axing of the Green Army, which aimed to put thousands to work tending conservation projects, leaves many questions unanswered - the biggest being the reason for the sudden retreat.
Former prime minister Tony Abbott planting trees during a visit to a green army project in Queanbeyan in 2015. Lukas Coch/AAP

Abbott ‘dismayed’ by report of end of his Green Army

Former prime minister Tony Abbott has lashed out at the prospect of the Turnbull government scrapping one of his signature programs, the Green Army.
Tony Abbott said the Coalition needed to sharpen the differences with Labor rather than try to minimise them. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Good riddance to innovation talk, in Abbott’s view

Former prime minister Tony Abbott has taken a swipe at Malcolm Turnbull’s ‘innovation’ narrative and called for ‘another big push’ on repairing the budget.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has a complex relationship with the Liberal Party’s powerful social conservatives. AAP Image/Mick Tsikas

Pressure on Malcolm Turnbull to bend to conservatives is stronger than ever

The pressure on Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to bend to the conservative right factions of the Liberal and National parties has been compounded by the election of Donald Trump.
We thought Malcolm Turnbull had nailed his colours to the mast on climate policy - but maybe not. AAP Image/Joel Carrett

Another prime minister, another endorsement for coal – but why?

Malcolm Turnbull has said coal will be important for “many decades to come” – joining a long line of prime ministers who talked big on climate policy but found themselves talking up fossil fuels.
After Question Time on Thursday Tony Abbott made a personal explanation to the House outlining the background to the Adler shotgun ban. Lukas Coch/AAP

Turnbull and Abbott in conflict over deal on sunset clause

Malcolm Turnbull and Tony Abbott are sharply at odds over Abbott’s denial of knowledge about a 2015 deal to insert a sunset clause on the import ban of a shotgun.
Malcolm Turnbull leaves after the government lost divisions in the House of Representatives on Thursday. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Liberal Party ‘internals’ have a bad attack of acid stomach

Both Labor frontbencher Anthony Albanese and Liberal backbencher Cory Bernardi were in the business of stirring expectations in interviews on Sunday. And if those expectations take hold, that’s particularly…
Malcolm Turnbull explicitly chose to assume the mantle of his predecessor Tony Abbott as ‘prime minister for Indigenous affairs’. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Can Turnbull change course in Indigenous affairs?

For many, relations between Indigenous Australians and the government are best described as being in a state of crisis.

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