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Business + Economy – Articles, Analysis, Comment

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Josh Frydenberg is confident that there will be concrete outcomes from the G20 meeting. AAP/Dominic O'Brien

In Conversation: Josh Frydenberg full transcript

Michelle Grattan: Australia will host the G20 leaders meeting late this year. It will be the most important international conference we have ever had in this country. This week, the G20 finance ministers…
Australians sympathise with farmers, but governments need to choose policy carefully. AAP

Help farmers with direct assistance rather than subsidies

Droughts, seasonal fluctuations, and changing commodity prices are a given and unchangeable characteristic of farming. Farmers voluntarily invest in agriculture and expect that the good times will more…
A trip down memory lane or normalising Facebook as part of everyday life? Facebook

Facebook’s ‘look back’ is marketing in disguise

Are you one of the thousands of people around the world who recently created a “look back” Facebook movie? Did it make you cry? Or maybe laugh at your wacky life? The videos are a new feature available…
Prefab housing is an industry that shares many assembly methods with car manufacturing. Code_martial/Flickr

Building a housing industry from the relics of a car industry

Unless you have been living under a rock, you couldn’t help but hear the dying wail of manufacturing here in Australia. Car manufacturing and food manufacturing being the most recent victims. There’s no…
Workers who lost jobs at the Port Kembla Steelworks have faced mixed fortunes. AAP/Dean Lewins

The story of steel maps the job future for car workers

Prime Minister Tony Abbott is right when he describes Australia’s car industry workers as “highly skilled people, adaptable people”. He has also been saying this week that the departure of Toyota and Holden…
Stronger rules introduced to protect those seeking financial advice by the last government could be rolled back by the Abbott government. Tracey Nearmy/AAP

Coalition’s FOFA ‘streamlining’ will destroy protections

Every employed Australian will enter the financial markets through their superannuation, meaning most Australians will need financial advice at some point in their life. Research shows most people lack…
Sweden shows it’s possible to maintain a welfare state and good public finances Shutterstock

Swedish lessons for the Commission of Audit

As the Abbott government’s Commission of Audit busily scours the globe for answers to our fiscal woes, where in the world will it look? My tip is that it will dwell with the usual suspects: the UK, the…
Efficient manufacturing depends largely on scale, and Australia’s car production numbers have fallen. AAP/Adi Weda

Car manufacturing numbers just don’t stack up

Now that the final nail has been hammered in to the car industry’s coffin, what does it mean for the Australian economy? As always, the data is a good place to start. Efficient manufacturing depends largely…
Prime Minister Tony Abbott is betting the rapid demise of Australia’s automotive sector can be contained politically. Alan Porritt/AAP

Managed decline to rapid demise: Abbott’s car industry gamble

For the past 30 years, Australian automotive industry policies can be characterised as managed decline. Beginning in the 1980s with the Button Plan, the aim of policy was to consolidate the industry and…
Major app developers make enormous sums from basic and derivative games, so why can’t independent game makers? Flappy Bird

Games world in flap about originality

This week the game app Flappy Bird was removed from the Apple App Store. And while the gaming press can usually be relied on to come to the defence of independent developers facing pressure from major…
The impact of job loss on car industry workers is multifaceted, and those arguing ‘better jobs’ will emerge could be fooling themselves. Julian Smith/AAP

What the departure of Toyota, Holden and Ford really means for workers

People change jobs constantly, and the jobs lost in car manufacturing closures are insignificant in the context of total job changes - no different to everyday job changes. So say some commentators opining…
Global shift: one-in-three vehicles produced by Toyota are manufactured in Asia. AAP

Toyota’s exit was inevitable: now for real test of government

Toyota Australia President and CEO, Max Yasuda, has described the car maker’s decision to leave Australia as one of the saddest days in its history worldwide. I do not doubt the emotion expressed by Mr…
Watering down gender equality reporting would mean a data void on progress towards closing the gender gap. UNDP/Flickr

Gender equality reporting is not ‘red tape’

Amid the federal government’s broader agenda to cut red tape, business groups are reportedly lobbying the federal government to weaken legislation requiring companies to report on gender equality measures…
The link between manufacturing cars and developing technology has been fundamental in Australia. AAP

Losing the car industry means we risk our technology

As I’ve argued before and it’s generally accepted, the car industry is a critical part of Australia’s science and technology base. The sector spends A$600 million a year on R&D and another $800 million…
The Abbott government isn’t the first to take aim at corruption in the construction industry. Alan Porritt/AAP

Royal commission take three: construction sector still lawless

In light of the upcoming Royal Commission into trade union corruption, it’s worth asking if the recommendations of the two previous Commissions into the construction industry, together with other state…
Greenfield land developments have trumped urban growth boundaries in many Australian cities. Joe Castro/AAP

Back to the drawing board for Australian urban planning

State government attempts to redirect development from urban fringes to established urban areas have failed. New deregulated planning systems, not strategic metropolitan plans, are driving development…
The myth of the ‘Bondi Bludger’ has New Zealanders sponging off the Australian taxpayer. Jenny Evans/AAPImage

New Zealand’s ‘Bondi Bludger’ and other Australian myths

Historically, geographically, culturally – there are many points of comparison between Australia and its neighbour to the east, New Zealand. But there are notable differences. This week, The Conversation…
Toyota has surprised with an announcement it would finish manufacturing cars here at the end of 2017. AAP

Toyota names 2017 end, Australian car making to cease: experts react

Toyota has confirmed it will cease its vehicle and engine production in Australia by the end of 2017, signalling the end of automotive manufacturing in Australia. The announcement follows decisions by…
LinkedIn is focusing on a younger audience, targeting high school students. A Name Like Shields Can Make You Defensive/Flickr

LinkedIn for teens: how young is too young for a personal brand?

Despite recording revenue of US$1.5 billion last year, professional social networking site LinkedIn saw its shares take a 7% hit on Friday night, after its growth forecast disappointed the market. Since…
Should companies with large cash reserves buy back shares from investors? It’s not that simple. EPA/Gino Domenico

Explainer: are share buybacks good for investors?

Only a few hours after announcing he had purchased nearly US$2.5 billion of Apple shares, investor Carl Icahn was demanding the company buy back US$150 billion of its own shares. Now the company has done…
The vision for a “Global Sydney” overshadows the need for affordable housing in the city. James Morgan/AAP

Sydney’s ‘global’ vision bad news for local housing affordability

The forecast is grim for housing affordability in Sydney, according to a recent government briefing paper. In the last decade median rent for all properties in the inner ring of Sydney more than doubled…
Workers with skills and motivation perform at a higher level, regardless of workplace reform. Salle-Ann/Flickr

Workplace deregulation won’t boost productivity

Arguments for reform of workplace relations never go away. The central claim made by numerous commentators is that reform aimed at “freeing up” the labour market and workplaces is the key to improving…
Hairdressing was once on the Migration Occupation in Demand List, which is again under scrutiny. Alan Porritt/AAP

Governments play flawed ‘skilled jobs’ guessing game

Governments in most countries, including Australia, often feel the need to predict which skills will be in demand and match them with increased supply largely through education planning and migration…
Research shows ageing will affect house prices, with interesting results. Dan Peled/AAP

How Australia’s ageing population could push house prices down

Despite talk of a housing bubble in Australia, house prices have been flat in real terms over the past six years since the pre-financial crisis peak in December 2007. The weighted average of established…