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Business + Economy – Articles, Analysis, Comment

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A $200 million donation by Blackstone founder Stephen Schwarzman, to fund an international scholarship program has drawn comparisons with the Rhodes Scholar program. Flickr\ World Economic Forum

Private equity titan eyes China for a rival to Rhodes Scholarship

American private equity titan Stephen Schwarzman clearly has at least one eye now clearly fixed on the history books. With great fanfare, Schwarzman announced this week he was creating a new scholarship…
Microsoft’s negative marketing campaign says less about Google and more about its insecurity in the IT industry. AAP/Everett Kennedy Brown

Microsoft’s mean streak reveals a company in crisis

You can tell a lot about an organisation’s culture and view of the world by looking at what it says about its competitors. Some enterprises, just like some politicians and academics, are serene. They don’t…
A famous US case of a woman suing McDonald’s for $2.9 million after scalding herelf is urban legend; but just how relevant is it to Australia? reidmix/Flickr

Why McDonald’s scalding case could be a storm in a coffee cup

Revelations an Adelaide woman, Jessica Wishart, is suing a McDonald’s franchise for scalds she received from coffee purchased at the restaurant have provoked outrage in the media, and inevitable comparisons…
There’s a strong financial case to selling Medibank Private, but politics has made privatisation an unpopular choice. AAP/ Joel Carrett

Privatising Medibank: good business hamstrung by bad politics

At first sight it is surprising that neither the government nor the opposition, both seeking budgetary savings, is proposing to sell Medibank Private. When retiring Medibank Private chairman Paul McClintock…
An influential economics paper — which has now been shown to have several methodological flaws — was used by policymakers to justify austerity drives around the world. AAP

Economists, an Excel error, and the misguided push for austerity

The economic literature is full of excellent articles that are not read outside small academic circles. There are, however, important exceptions. “Growth in a Time of Debt”, by Carmen R. Reinhart and Kenneth…
The kind of tax reform being called for by groups such as the Business Council of Australia can only come about if politics and vested interests are put aside.

Meaningful tax reform? Only if everything is on the table

There can be no dispute with last week’s call from the Business Council of Australia for meaningful tax reform. This is a larger issue than both the looming budget and September’s election. However, it…
Peter Cosgrove is on the Coalition’s shortlist for new governor-general, if they win government. AAP/Paul Miller

Cosgrove on Coalition’s governor-general shortlist

Former Defence Chief Peter Cosgrove is likely to be at the top of the short list for the next governor-general if Tony Abbott becomes prime minister. The Coalition is concerned that the Gillard government…
Without considerable changes to Australia’s fiscal policies, both state and federal governments are likely to face significant budget deficits for the next ten years. AAP

Australian governments face a decade of budget deficits

Structural changes in the economy are likely to leave Governments across Australia facing budget deficits of around 4% of GDP for at least the next decade, according to research released today. The Grattan…
The way it ends… from the mining tax to super reform and now the Gonski plan, Labor has surrendered to sectional interests. AAP/Alan Porritt

Labor’s super tax backdown hints at the party’s hollow core

This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends Not with a bang but a whimper. TS Eliot, The Hollow Men The Labor government’s attack on universities to fund…
Universities source around 60% of their funding from the government - down from 90% in the 1980s. AAP

Funding cuts pose challenges for the university business model

As state premiers meet to thrash out an agreement on funding the Gonski school reforms, universities have been gnashing their teeth at being the losers in the funding equation. Earlier this week, Vice-Chancellor…
Tony Abbott has softened his stance on gay marriage. AAP/Paul Miller

Abbott signals shift on gay marriage

Tony Abbott has made an important shift in the Liberal position on gay marriage. In another step on the road to a likely eventual change in the Australian law, Abbott now says the policy on the issue will…
Backpackers and international students provide a significant source of labour that is often long-term: but this is ignored by policy makers.

They’re long-term, temporary and invisible: our other migrant workers

While 457 temporary visas are currently under political scrutiny, thousands of other temporary migrants are now able to work in Australia for extended periods - most notably through working holiday visas…
Climate Minister Greg Combet has played down the European decision. AAP/Alan Porritt

Grattan on Friday: Carbon budget blow from Europe

So much for Julia Gillard’s hope that the carbon tax debate would fade once the scheme was bedded down in the middle of last year. The issue has erupted again, hitting the government where it hurts at…
The decision by Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe to enter into the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations enlivens the process and places Australia in the passenger seat.

Trans-Pacific Partnership at the frontlines of new geo-economic contests

Two recent events promise to breath life into the lumbering Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations, with significant consequences for Australia. Earlier this month, Japanese Prime Minster Shinzo…
The Business Council of Australia’s call for long-term thinking is moving in the right direction, but wants both expensive spending programs and lower taxes.

Business lobby yearns for a long-term view, but offers a contradictory wish list

There is much to consider when thinking about our future as a nation. We are a small, resource-rich, open economy facing a volatile global environment. We are particularly vulnerable to the impact of climate…
Are B Corporations — for-profit companies that value the collective good — the business model of the future? Image from

Firms with benefits: B Corporations and the future of business

The recent financial shenanigans of high-wealth individuals stuffing dollars under the proverbial mattress of offshore tax havens raise serious questions about modern-day corporate leadership. Current…
Australian policymakers need to acquaint themselves with the changing nature of regional governance in Asia.

The changing face of Asian regional governance

The growing competition between Japan and China over regional primacy is changing the face of Asian regional governance — but not necessarily in predictable ways. While observers have focused on Asia’s…
Recent redundancies at Holden have sparked debate over the need for a revised “industry policy”: but is this really the way forward? AAP/Andrew Brownbill

Industry policy must not second guess markets

The recent GM-Holden redundancies have provoked much comment, in many cases appealing for both state and federal governments to find solutions. But can government solve this dilemma, or is it a (big) part…
As the price of gold continues to plunge, many investors are wondering whether the shiny commodity has lost its lustre. Flickr\Bullion Vault

A bear in there: the fading fortunes of the gold market

It has been a turbulent time for the gold market. The past two days of trading have been particularly volatile, with gold prices recording the sharpest two-day drop in 30 years . The severity of the fall…
Terry Moran is urging public servants be allowed to use new technology to speak about their jobs more frankly. AAP/Alan Porritt

Let’s hear it from the public service: Moran

Public servants should have greater scope to speak out publicly about long-term issues, the former head of the Prime Minister’s department Terry Moran has said. Moran also urges bureaucrats to make more…
Amid global demand for rare earth minerals, there has been a strong interest in deep sea mining. Flickr\gnews

Is the next mining boom on the ocean floor?

Defence behemoth Lockheed Martin’s recent announcement of a venture into deep sea mining (DSM) reflects growing interest in exploiting virgin mining territory. In what is being described by some as a “deep…
Resource issues dominate Japanese thinking on the Australia-Japan bilateral relationship. AAP

Resource security and the Australia-Japan economic relationship

The Australia-Japan economic relationship is broad, deep, and has an extensive history. However, issues to do with natural resources – minerals, energy and food – loom large in the politics of the contemporary…
Barack Obama’s recent budget pursues the goals of full employment and fiscal balance, objectives that were heavily emphasised under Bill Clinton’s leadership. AAP

Party like it’s 1999: Obama’s budget borrows from Clinton’s playbook

Is it 2013 or 1999? Barack Obama’s evolution into a more successful Bill Clinton may be complete with the issuance of his recent budget. On the one hand, Obama’s budget cuts entitlement spending by adopting…