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Business + Economy – Articles, Analysis, Comment

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The European experience with high speed rail suggests there are trade-offs with aviation depending on the routes.

Is high speed rail in Australia value for money?

There is no doubt that the creation of a 1748-kilometre high-speed rail network connecting Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, and Melbourne is an exciting endeavour. But given the large capital costs - $114 billion…
Julia Gillard has achieved a significant foreign policy coup in China, although progress has stalled on a bilateral free-trade agreement. AAP

Gillard’s China visit: a silver platter for Abbott?

If you believe the opinion polls, Julia Gillard has had a very busy week in China setting the China policy direction and institutional framework for a future Coalition government. Tony Abbott must be delighted…
So high speed rail might be a good investment, in future. It just might also be the worst of the possible rail projects to fund at this moment in time. AAP

Boondoggle or best thing we’ll ever do? What to make of high speed rail

Transport Minister Anthony Albanese today released the second phase report for Australia’s High Speed Rail Study. The AECOM report plots out a preferred route from Brisbane to Melbourne, predicts how many…
Venezuela’s oil reserves, inflation rate, and the handling of its currency are shaping up to be central issues in the lead-up to the election, which will be held on Sunday. AAP

Amid the spoils of oil, challenges await post-Chavez Venezuela

Elections in most Latin American countries are extremely polarised and emotionally charged events. They are highly contested and controversial affairs, characterised by massive political rallies, clever…
While the Coalition has criticised Australia’s public debt levels, it is the country’s private debt that is the big issue. Image sourced from

The truth behind our ‘dangerous’ public debt levels

Liberal MP Andrew Robb has criticised the rise in public debt under the current Gillard government in a recent ABC radio interview. During the interview, Robb claimed growth in public debt was excessive…
Margaret Thatcher was a female trailblazer, but never considered herself a feminist: and her example has failed to usher in another female PM or boost female MP numbers. EPA/Andy Rain

Margaret Thatcher was reformer and trailblazer - but not a feminist

The death of the first - and so far only - female British prime minister raises the question of how to judge her contribution to feminism and leadership. Given that only now we have our first female PM…
Yesterday, the Coalition launched its blueprint for the national broadband network, which will have lower access speeds but will be cheaper to build. But is it good policy? AAP

The Coalition’s NBN policy is a triumph of short-termism over long-term vision

“The superfast broadband of the order of 100+ megabits per second (Mbps) and into the gigaspeed bracket is de rigueur for any nation purporting to be a developed and advancing economy.” – Phil Ruthven…
The City has been plagued by financial disasters. Will the replacement of the Financial Services Authority with two new banking regulatory bodies be enough to stop the rot? AAP Pictures

After a long line of financial disasters, UK banks on regulatory change

If the UK Financial Services Authority (FSA) had been a dog, it would have been about 86 years old when it was put down on April Fool’s Day this year. Uncharitably, some say that the FSA, the lead regulator…
The Northern Irish market town of Enniskillen will host the G8 in June. But the failure of HBOS - which owned the local luxury hotel hosting the event - could overshadow the area’s natural attractions.

Luxury Irish digs for G8 leaders - but HBOS failure there for all to see

The decision by the United Kingdom to host the upcoming G8 in a luxury resort outside the small market town of Enniskillen may well come back to haunt it. When British Prime Minister David Cameron announced…
The scale of China’s off-balance sheet lending may seem extensive, but it’s not the scary beast that many commentators have made it out to be. Philip Jagenstedt/Flickr

Light among the shadows: the upsides to a financial crisis in China

In recent months, talk of an emerging crisis in China’s financial sector has been getting louder. A few weeks ago such chatter reached a crescendo, at least in terms of a narrative, when two Nomura economists…
A respected US researcher believes baby boomers retreating from their large homes could lead to a glut of unsellable homes. Could this happen in Australia?

The Boomer housing bust: coming to Australia?

They’re calling it the great “senior sell off” and it’s scaring suburban America. Still recovering from the housing market crisis of 2007-09, America’s latest concern is a looming glut of unsellable suburban…
Fairfax Media’s chief cexecutive Greg Hywood has said a break up of the company is not being planned - but the five new division corporate structure appears ready-made for a sell-off.

Fairfax restructure rearranges the deckchairs

The Fairfax Media group has undertaken yet another corporate restructuring in an attempt to shore up the company share price. However, it might just be a Titanic gesture that staves off the inevitable…
The Gillard government’s changes to the tax treatment of superannuation make for a more complex system, rather than a more equitable one. AAP

Illogical tax tinkering won’t lead to a sustainable super system

Today, the Australian government announced additional taxation of high income funds in the decumulation or retirement stage of investments in superannuation. Arguably, the changes add more to complexity…
The ACCC has concerns over NBN Co’s wholesale pricing plans.

NBN Co goes back to the drawing board on pricing plan

Yesterday, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) recommended that NBN Co revise its wholesale agreement — including proposals on pricing and access — as outlined in its special access…
A currency conversion deal between Australia and China, which would allow the renminbi to be traded directly against the Australian dollar, would slash costs for thousands of businesses. AAP

What would a Chinese currency conversion deal mean for Australia?

Julia Gillard leaves Australia for China tomorrow, her second trip to the Middle Kingdom as Prime Minister. As befits China’s status as Australia’s most important trading partner, the trip has attracted…
If the “spirit of reform” is behind any attempts to reform superannuation, why is this potentially being dropped on Australians on budget night?

Unfair, but for the greater good - where is Labor going with super?

The biggest retirement reform since the age pension, compulsory superannuation is one of the ALP’s greatest achievements. Before it was introduced, as part of the Hawke Government’s Accord with the union…
With a new Special Minister of State, electoral donation reforms are once again unsure. AAP/Lukas Coch

Electoral donation reform faces unsure future

Labor’s proposed reforms to the electoral funding law are again up in the air after last week’s ministerial reshuffle. The former Special Minister of State Gary Gray had committed the government to trying…
Shinzo Abe is determined to resuscitate Japan’s flagging economy by targeting a 2% rate of inflation and promoting private investment. But will it work? AAP

‘Abenomics’: a fix for Japan’s ailing economy and a boost for Australia

The Japanese economy has been stuck in a liquidity trap for almost a decade. Japan’s newly elected Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who is now in his second stint in office, wants to take radical steps to retrieve…
An about-face by the Australian Financial Markets Association on the way our bank bill swap rate is calculated comes as the US mortgage giant Freddie Mac filed a lawsuit alleging unlawful conduct by a number of investment banks. AAP

Is there egg on the RBA’s face?

Last week, the Australian Financial Markets Association (AFMA), the investment bankers’ trade union, announced that it was changing the way that it calculated the Bank Bill Swap rate (BBSW), the Australian…
A “substantial portion” of claims in private lawsuits against the banks involved in the LIBOR scandal have been dismissed by the US Federal District Court. Image sourced from

A delayed reckoning: the US Federal District Court and LIBOR

The major banks implicated in the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) manipulation scandal received a major boost in their ongoing litigation strategies with the dismissal of large components of a consolidated…
Bill Shorten aims to tackle disproportionate superannuation concessions. AAP/Dave Hunt

Richest Australians to take super hit

Next month’s federal budget will hit the generous superannuation tax breaks received by the very richest Australians. The target will be the highest one to two per cent of earners, with the government…