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Business + Economy – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 6176 - 6200 of 7440 articles

For many young Australians, getting a full-time job — or even sufficient part-time hours — is a significant challenge. AAP

Youth face snakes and ladders on the path to full-time employment

Getting a job is a major concern for young Australians. Last year’s National Survey of Young Australians showed a large rise in the proportion of young people valuing getting a job, from 16% in 2010 to…
Super funds could fund research initiatives as well as provide good returns to fund members. Image from

Super funds: an investment vehicle for scientific research?

Can the growing stash of super savings be used productively to fund valuable bio-science and other R&D while still generating good returns for fund members? Such research is typically high risk, but…
From hire to liar: honesty is not always the best policy in workplace negotiations. Image from

Sweet little lies: how men and women use deception in negotiations

Negotiations, by their nature, tempt individuals into an ethical slide. Even the most principled negotiator would consider it acceptable to withhold some information from an opponent, just as a self-protective…
Gold and silver are traditionally considered “safe havens”. Image sourced from

Explainer: what are safe haven investments?

Safe haven investments are investments that provide a low level of risk during periods of extreme economic uncertainty. The problem is that a safe haven investment is a safe haven investment until it is…
Outgoing BHP Billiton CEO Marius Kloppers shakes hands with his successor, Andrew Mackenzie. AAP

Change at the top: what next for BHP Billiton?

The board of BHP Billiton Limited today announced the retirement of chief executive officer and inside director Marius Kloppers. Dr Kloppers is a 20-year veteran of the company, serving 12 years as a senior…
Proving that Woolworths and Coles engaged in unconscionable conduct with their suppliers will be a lengthy and difficult task for the ACCC. AAP

ACCC grocery inquiry will take a long time to bear fruit

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has declared open season on Coles and Woolworths. In an unusual step, the ACCC’s chairman, Rod Sims, discussed his organisation’s current investigations…
The Gillard government’s Industry and Innovation Statement aims to revive an ailing manufacturing sector and address Australia’s flagging productivity. AAP

Labor’s innovation plan provides hope for Australian manufacturing

While its launch in the heat of election battle was hardly propitious, the federal government’s new Industry and Innovation Statement, A Plan for Australian Jobs, is the long-awaited result of a serious…
The ACCC has put suppliers’ claims of supermarket bullying under the spotlight, but the magnitude of the duopoly’s supermarket power should also be addressed. Image from

ACCC’s inquiry into supermarket bullying misses the real issue of duopoly power

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) announced last week that it is investigating claims that Coles and Woolworths are bullying suppliers. The issue is serious, but the ACCC investigation…
Public distrust of business and finance has intensified in the wake of the global financial crisis. Flickr\World Can’t Wait

Private equity, hedge funds must be understood to be regulated effectively

In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, much ill-feeling remains towards Wall Street, the investment banks and those individuals who profit from short-term movements in the financial markets…
In a blistering speech to the Banking Committee, Senator Elizabeth Warren exposed profound weaknesses in the US’ current system of financial regulation. Flickr\mdfriendofhillary

Bankers left reeling as Senator Elizabeth Warren grills financial regulators

It was an artful if devastating performance. In just seven minutes, Senator Elizabeth Warren from Massachusetts signaled the arrival of what appears destined to be a powerful force on Capitol Hill. At…
Focusing on Australian electricity competitiveness will drive valuable investment in electricity-intensive industry. Jake Trussell

Australian electricity must get more competitive: here’s how

Electricity-intensive investment isn’t coming Australia’s way. We use our many natural resources to underpin our productivity and prosperity and we are extracting increasing amounts of metal from the ground…
President Obama has proposed raising the minimum wage from $7.25 to $9, reigniting the debate about the effect of a wage hike on unemployment. flickr\brianwallace

Obama’s pledge to raise the minimum wage is good policy

In his State of the Union address, US President Barack Obama reignited a perennial debate in his proposal to increase the minimum wage from its current level of $7.25 an hour to $9.00 an hour. Advocating…
David Cameron’s 2006 campaign to “vote blue, go green” was discarded under a double dip recession - but could he now pick up on Obama’s State of the Union lead?

Will the UK pick up on Obama’s lead in climate policy?

In Wednesday’s state of the union address, US President Barack Obama threw down the gauntlet to Congress on climate change action - and in the process, cemented the re-prioritisation of the issue which…
No dearth of talent here… but Australia could learn from the Olympics how to attract the best global skilled workers.

Searching for an olive branch in the global war for talent

Last year, thousands of athletes from hundreds of countries competed in the London Olympics. The International Olympic Committee had no difficulty attracting the world’s leading sporting talent because…
According to Plato, corruption is the ‘perfect injustice’ appearing to be good and just when you are not. Flickr/Erlend Aasland

The ‘perfect injustice’: is Australia more corrupt than we think?

Corruption is pervasive, diverse and present in almost all areas of society. From the “greed is good” heyday of the 1980s that encompassed the rise and fall of corporate high-flyers such as Christopher…
Obama has unveilled two key trade treaties designed to reaffirm America’s place as the world’s leading nation - but many aspects of the treaties run counter to its social development stances.

The two treaties: Obama, trade, and the State of the Union

US President Barack Obama’s State of the Union plan to boost American exports and grow American jobs centres around two key regional trade agreements: the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Trans-Atlantic…
Samsung has spent more on marketing than Apple, HP, Dell, Microsoft and Cocoa Cola combined. But it hopes to replicate the tendency of people to buy products from their own country when it moves production to the US. AAP

As American as “Apple” pie: how Samsung hopes parochial appeal will pay off in the US

It would be easy to simply attribute the massive rise in Samsung’s popularity to its equally massive spend on marketing. It has been estimated that Samsung spent around $11.5 billion in 2012 on advertising…
Obama outlined an ambitious economic agenda to foster growth and rebuild America’s middle class. AAP

State of the Union: Obama lays out his economic agenda

President Obama left little doubt during his State of the Union address as to what his top priority will be in the years ahead. “A growing economy that creates good, middle-class jobs”, the President declared…
The current super debate overrides any serious focus on how women carers are disadvantaged and the adequacy of the age pension. AAP

Who is damaged by the current superannuation system?

Media stories about possible changes to superannuation tax concessions generally focus on the “dangers” of reducing the unfair benefits of better off super contributors. Most stories come from financial…
The abolition of royalties, as well as fluctuations in iron ore and coal prices, have had an effect on the mining tax’s capacity to generate revenue. AAP

Mining tax design is responsible for revenue shortfall

Why hasn’t the Minerals Resources Rent Tax (MRRT) produced significant revenue? The answer lies in a combination of basic features of the MRRT design, and the recent fluctuation in prices of iron ore and…