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Pressuring kids to memorise obscure, low frequency words does not promote good learning. from

Spelling bees don’t teach kids literacy, or much else

Channel Ten’s newly announced show, The Great Australian Spelling Bee, may seem like a great platform for promoting literacy skills. But it is promoting the memorisation of pointless, low-frequency words rather than anything helpful.
The process by which women become fans is more complicated and interesting than people previously imagined. AAP Image/Joe Castro

Sexually transmitted fandom? Why women really follow AFL

Men might believe that women don’t have what it takes to be serious sports fans but new research into female AFL fans proves them wrong. Some women are footy converts, some have it in the blood – and some were born to it.
Water from coal seam gas mining would be treated at a reverse osmosis plant before being re-injected into the ground. CSIRO

Can water from coal seam gas be re-injected into the ground?

The Queensland government wants companies to use waste water from coal seam gas extraction for useful purposes such as recharging aquifers. New CSIRO research shows that, with careful monitoring, it can be done.
The US proposes to meet its climate targets through regulation, including reducing carbon emissions from coal power plants by a third below 2005 levels. Cathy/Flickr

How the US’s post-2020 climate target could fit into a global deal

The United States’ post-2020 climate target raises many questions for this year’s global climate talks, and puts pressure on Australia to raise the stakes.
Kids need to be interested in the book they’re reading, so it’s better if they choose it themselves. Flickr/Mike Mantin

Kids need to like what they’re reading to progress

Kids will be turned off reading if they have no interest in the material. Comics or picture books are fine as long as the child enjoys it.
The discovery of the genes that influence the beak shape in the famous Galapagos finches highlight the underlying unity of all life. Paul Krawczuk/Flickr

Darwin’s finches highlight the unity of all life

Darwin’s finches are known to be a paragon of evolution by natural selection, but a recent genetic discovery relating to their beaks highlights the evolutionary connectedness of all life.
On many major issues, Labor’s Bill Shorten and the Liberals’ Tony Abbott are essentially two wings of the same bird. AAP/Mick Tsikas

A challenged democracy: wicked problems and political failures

The crisis of public confidence in politics is not limited to Australia, but public disengagement, retail politics and lack of vision are crippling our ability to tackle long-term and wicked problems.
Mobile networks are undergoing the transition from 4G to the much faster and more capable 5G. Sy/Flickr

Explainer: what is 5G?

Mobile networks are making the transition to 5G technology, promising faster data transfer and improved coverage.
Whether the Harper Review might stoke competition in the retail grocery sector remains to be seen. AAP/Dan Peled

Harper Review: a mixed basket for Coles and Woolworths

Supermarket giants are predictably opposed to Harper Review’s effects test, but the report is a mixed bag when it comes to other retail competition issues.
Devoting time to looking after others can result in significant hidden costs to the carer. Shutterstock/Goodluz

Carers deserve more credit in the retirement incomes debate

If the 5.5 million unpaid carers didn’t look after others – at the expense of careers and incomes – taxpayers would bear the costs, so as a community we should give carers a fairer deal in retirement.
Are new video-on-demand services really ‘breathing new life’ into Australian content? LoKan Sardari

What do Netflix, Stan and Presto mean for Australian TV?

The arrival of subscription video on demand services Netflix, Stan and Presto have implications for what we call “television” in Australia – and much of the policy detail remains to be hammered out.
The Indonesia Ulema Council issued a fatwa that says same-sex relations should be punished by death. from nito/

Does the fatwa on homosexuals in Indonesia matter?

What are the implications for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Indonesians of an edict from the nation’s top Muslim clerical body that homosexuality is a sin that should be punishable by death?
The proposition that Easter is a 100% Christian affair is manifestly unsustainable. Hartwig HKD

Easter scuppers the certainties of modern fundamentalists

The proposition that Easter is a 100% Christian affair is manifestly unsustainable. It shows an ignorance of history. Worse, it shows a failure to understand the way religious traditions work.
The competition policy review is just another difficult conversation for the Abbott government. Gary Schafer/AAP

Government writing reform cheques it’s unlikely to cash

Big reforms in taxation and competition policy are on the table for the Abbott government, but has it spent too much political capital to get any of them across the line?