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All by myself. AAP/Alan Porritt

Book review: The Latham Diaries, ten years on

The Latham Diaries remains a seminal piece – not only having revealed the ALP’s inner workings, but having highlighted policy issues and structural problems which continue to be of concern.
Foxtel hopes to retain viewers with exclusive content such as Game of Thrones. AAP/HBO

Is Foxtel most at risk in the new Game of Screens?

Australians have enthusiastically embraced new streaming service Netflix. But with its subscription business model under threat, Foxtel is coming out fighting.
Safeguarding rainforests is an area where the United Nations has made great strides - hopefully the Paris summit can deliver more of the same. Sze Ning/ Commons

A global deal that drives good decisions: what success at the Paris summit should look like

In the final part of his essay on the Paris climate talks, Nick Rowley explains how a successful deal, whether binding or not, needs to influence directly the domestic policies of the world’s nations.
Staph aureus bloodstream infection has a 12-month death rate of between 20 and 35%. Joe Techapanupreeda/Shutterstock

Golden staph: the deadly bug that wreaks havoc in hospitals

Which of the following conditions would you prefer to have during your next stay in hospital? A. Staphylococcus aureus (Golden Staph) bloodstream infection; or B. a heart attack?
There’s no use pretending the teacher doesn’t have more knowledge than everyone else in the room; this is the way it should be. from

Ignore the fads: teachers should teach and students should listen

Explicit instruction - where the teacher stands at the front of the class and teaches - is out of vogue with educators who prefer collaborative learning. But it’s really the only teaching style with proven results.
We know whether a play such as Andrew Bovell’s Secret River works onstage – but can we explain its effect? AAP Image/Heidrun Löhr

Need a stage coach? Why some plays work, and others don’t

Anyone who has seen a play can tell you whether it “works” or not – but very few people can tell you exactly why. We all need a better grasp of this. Why? So that playwriting can better represent contemporary Australia.
Had hundreds of thousands of young Turkish men not joined the army and headed to Gallipoli, it’s without doubt modern Turkey would not have been formed. AWM

Turkish view remains neglected in our understanding of Gallipoli

What is rare in Australia is an adequate explanation and understanding of the Turkish perspective of the Gallipoli campaign.
The placenta plays a critical role in pregnancy, fetal development and health throughout life. Remy Sharp/Flickr

Explainer: what is placenta?

An incredibly complex and important organ in its own right, the placenta is only found in mammals. And how it functions has the potential to have profound effects on the lifelong health of the developing foetus.
Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder need targeted support and funding to suit their individual needs and interests. from

Students with autism need targeted attention – not a cage

A review has been announced into school policies in Canberra after it was reported that a school was restraining a child with Autism in a cage-like structure.
While selfies have become a staple of political life, voters’ loyalty beyond the moment can no longer be taken for granted – a new reality the major parties must adapt to if they want to survive. Lukas Coch/AAP

Australian politics’ Kodak moment spells trouble for the major parties

The same forces of disruption that are changing industries and economies around the world are now having a discernible effect on Australian politics – and that’s bad news for the major parties.
Saulal by Dennis Nona won the 27th Telstra National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Art Award. Dennis Nona/Aboriginal Art Network

We’ve scrubbed Dennis Nona’s art from our galleries to our cost

Indigenous artist Dennis Nona is currently serving a jail term for serious crimes. Should the work of the most significant artist to have emerged from the Torres Strait in the last 50 years be removed from gallery walls?
Do the Group of Eight universities actually have a cash-flow problem, or are they more concerned about increasing their prestige to attract international students? Flickr/

Group of Eight’s change of tack smacks of self-interest

The Group of Eight have now withdrawn their support for fee deregulation, despite it already having caused fissures in the higher education system. But what are they worried about? And what sort of conversation do they want to have now?
Domestic violence needn’t be only physical, but can extend to online harassment and control. Arne Halvorsen/Flickr

Online harassment is a form of violence

Technology violence is a term that encompasses all types of harassment and abuse that occurs online and serves to control or intimidate women in particular.