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Has treasurer Joe Hockey already made up his mind about the more controversial tax suggestions in the recent Re:think discussion paper? AAP/Lukas Coch

The Tax white paper - only good for fish and chips now?

Treasurer Joe Hockey’s media comments this week around contentious tax issues don’t bode well for the Taxation White paper.
Microsoft Corporation’s Bill Sample, Google Australia’s Maile Carnegie and Corporate Vice President of Apple Australia Tony King appeared before Senate committee public hearings on corporate tax avoidance last week. AAP/Nikki Short

Explainer: the difference between tax avoidance and evasion

Tax avoidance or tax evasion? One is legal and one isn’t, but there are acres of grey area in-between.
The emotional appeals of the opposing views on vaccination are both driven by concern for children. World Bank Photo Collection/Flickr

‘No jab, no pay’ policy has a serious ethical sting

The plan to withhold payments of child-care and family tax benefits for unvaccinated children could cost non-compliant parents up to A$15,000 a year. But is it ethical to punish parents?
Like their allies, New Zealand troops served in Afghanistan without the ‘Rolls Royce’ legal agreement now being demanded by some politicians for the upcoming joint mission with Australia in Iraq. AAP/NZ Defence Force, CPL Sam Shepherd

ANZAC troops’ mission to Iraq undermined by petty NZ politics

Australia and New Zealand’s joint mission in Iraq is getting underway. But in NZ, the decision to send 143 troops to train Iraqis against Islamic State has faced a divided parliament and public.
Iranians, who celebrated in the streets of Tehran following this month’s nuclear agreement, are keen to rebuild relations with the West. EPA/Abedin Taherkenareh

Julie Bishop can reach out to Iran now that confrontation has failed

By reaching out to Iran, Australia can help end a long stand-off with the West that prevented solutions to many of the world’s most dangerous problems, including Syria’s civil war and Islamic State.
Children growing up in a world of social media are developing a very different conception of privacy to that of their parents. Ed Ivanushkin/Flickr

Online and out there: how children view privacy differently from adults

Many people are shocked by what children are willing to share about themselves online. Is it that they don’t understand privacy, or just have a different conception of it compared to adults?
David Lynch: Between Two Worlds is a major event for Brisbane. David Lynch's Emily Screaming. 2008. GOMA

Meeting a god: the diverse career of David Lynch on show at GOMA

Brisbane’s Gallery of Modern Art is hosting the exhibition, David Lynch: Between Two Worlds, until June 7. It’s an opportunity to explore the connections between all the elements of Lynch’s artistic output.
The process of therapy is challenging and takes courage.

Explainer: what is cognitive behaviour therapy?

If you or someone you care about experience an emotional problem it won’t be long before you hear that cognitive behaviour therapy, or CBT, is probably the treatment of choice.
In the past decade, the number of people ending up in South Australian prison cells has grown at seven times the rate of the state population. AAP/South Australian Correctional Services Department

State of imprisonment: South Australia’s prisoner numbers soar, with just 10% of budget for rehab

Since 2004, the number of prisoners in South Australia has risen seven times faster than the state’s net population growth – and nearly doubled its rate of locking up Indigenous Australians.
‘A dramatised event is no replacement for the horrors of what is really going on.’ AAP Image/NewZulu/Nicolas Koutsokostas

The ‘refugee telemovie’ shows our government is lost at sea

The government has announced its latest method to stop the boats: a telemovie with storylines about asylum seekers dying at sea. Is it really the role of government to fund propaganda pieces like this?
Western Australian Premier Colin Barnett has not responded happily to hints by federal government ministers that his state must privatise assets if they want a larger slice of the GST pie. AAP Image/Sarah Motherwell

Federalism the loser as Hockey ransoms GST to push WA reforms

Western Australia should not be bullied into microeconomic reform and privatisation by the federal government while their slice of the GST is held to ransom.
What students should contribute to their degree has been a hot topic of conversation since the government tried to remove caps on fees. AAP

Should all uni students contribute the same regardless of degree?

Currently law students pay about 80% of their degree cost, and nursing students only about 30%. Is it fairer if everyone pays the same?
Sometimes you need more than a romantic sunset. Renate Flynn/Flickr

Happy endings: the ins and outs of clinical sexology

Sexology is the interdisciplinary scientific study of human sexuality, including sexual behaviours, interests and function. A sexologist is a trained professional who specialises in human sexuality.
Collingwood’s Lachlan Keeffe faces a ban of up to four years after testing positive to a performance-enhancing drug. AAP/Joe Castro

AFL illicit drug reform needs to be about more than punishment

There may be career-ending sanctions for sportspeople who have inadvertently tested positive to a performance-enhancing drug after having consumed an illicit drug.
Salman Rushdie claims not to have realised his GoodReads ratings were public. EPA/Helmut Fohringer

Should authors Rushdie to judgment as book reviewers?

Negative reaction by other authors to Salman Rushdie’s book ratings demonstrates how sensitive writers can be. But why shouldn’t an author give however many stars they like to a book?