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The Coalition’s election promise controversy highlights the fraught nature of accountancy. AAP

Do accountants act in the public interest? Not always

According to the profession’s code of ethics, “a distinguishing mark of the accountancy profession is its acceptance of the responsibility to act in the public interest.” That is, not exclusively to satisfy…
It depends on the drug, how it’s been stored and whether the pack has been opened. saveas new

Explainer: do we need to follow medication use-by dates?

It’s late in the night. And after a long day at work, you have a splitting headache. You rattle around in the bottom drawer of the bathroom vanity to find a packet of paracetamol tablets you know are hiding…
Australians willingly helped their neighbours when it was needed during the Queensland floods of 2011. Flickr/RaeAllen

Do you know your neighbour? Lending a hand and the Queensland floods

Neighbours are a source of growing aggravation in Australia and we are lodging more official complaints about each other than ever before. Excessive noise or odour, inadequate levels of property maintenance…
Many extremely premature babies will have lifelong physical and intellectual deficiencies. kqedquest

Balancing hope and fear for babies born at 24 weeks gestation

Imagine how frightening it must be for a woman to go into labour when she is just over halfway through her pregnancy and her baby has only had 23 or 24 weeks to grow. She and her family are overcome with…
What’s coming up? Where will we find it? What does it mean? h.koppdelaney

Top ten tech predictions for 2012 … and how to interpret them

Around this time of year you see plenty of articles (such as this one) reflecting on notable technologies and events of the year now gone. Such pieces will also attempt to predict the events of the year…
How does Queensland tourism recover after a cyclone and floods earlier this year? AFP Photo/Paul Crcok

Danger in paradise: resurrecting tourism after natural disasters

This year’s natural disasters have been an omnipresent and unwelcome theme impacting on tourism to Japan, New Zealand, Queensland and Thailand. Long after the initial horror of a natural disaster, the…
The world is in a position to prevent a return of depression-era bread queues. jessie owen

Are we in another Great Depression? Not yet

A recent article from Paul Krugman in the New York Times argues that the world is already in a depression. He points to high unemployment in the United States and Europe, austerity packages and the decimation…
We need to think about the benefits of locally grown food before signing off on suburban sprawl. avlxyz/Flickr

Paving our market gardens: choosing suburbs over food

In 1947 the Sydney Basin produced “three quarters of the State’s lettuces, half of the spinach, a third of the cabbages and a quarter of the beans; seventy percent of the State’s poultry farms were in…
You may want to start hoarding supplies and making your end of world plans now – before it’s too late. Flickr/Necromundo

2012 cometh: how to prepare for the apocalypse

If you believe the doomsayers, the human race is not long for this earth. By the end of this year, our number will be up: the four horseman of the apocalypse will be upon us, fire will rain from the skies…

End of year report (letter to Hisham)

The following is a poem commissioned by The Conversation from Sydney City Poet, Kate Middleton on the year that was. Did you read about the MARS-500 simulation? Six men in isolation sharing a broken English…

2011, the year that was: Health + Medicine

After weeks of calling up researchers and asking for them to write for a website that didn’t exist, there was a lot of excitement (and relief) in March as we crowded around a computer and pressed the button…
Protests stretching from Wall Street to Tahir Square were the hallmark of 2011. AAP

2011, the year that was: Politics & Society

It is a Chinese proverb repeated so often as to verge on cliché: “may you live in interesting times”. And 2011 was nothing if not interesting. This was the year where democracy spread across the Arab world…
Time goes marching on, and we all get more jaded and cynical. I mean: hooray! CyberCraft Robots

2011, the year that was: Science & Technology

And so in March we pushed the button and away we went. Back then the big stories were: Artificial intelligence, what with Watson, IBM’s supercomputer, taking on challengers in the US TV show Jeapordy…

2011, the year that was: Energy & Environment

2011 was the year everyone suddenly developed an opinion on the environment, because all of a sudden the environment was out to take their air-conditioner, their TV, their right to a comfortable suburban…
The biggest story of 2011 was European sovereign debt crisis - and it’s not over yet.

2011, the year that was: Business and Economy

Don’t look away: the year isn’t over yet. One of 2011’s biggest economic stories – the sovereign debt crisis sweeping over Europe – is still far from settled. As the misfortunes of the PIIGS - Portugal…
The findings of the study don’t suggest that religion should be adopted as a tool for promoting health. Gauri Ma

Does religious faith make people healthier and happier?

As immigrants from around the world have joined Australia’s cultural mix, an inevitable rise in religious diversity has followed. But has this made for a healthier society? A recent VicHealth study showed…
It takes more than a batting average to find the world’s best batsman. Composite image: public domain/AAP Image/Tony McDonough

Is Don, is good? How Tendulkar eclipses Bradman

Who is the greatest test batsman of all time? In a follow up to a recent paper I created a media furore by suggesting that India’s Sachin Tendulkar had eclipsed Australian great Sir Donald Bradman in terms…
The covers of two of the first editions of Tintin. AAP

Tintin, human rights and politics

An upsurge of interest in Tintin, the cartoon boy reporter who was the creation of Belgian artist Hergé (1907-1983), has accompanied the release of the Tintin movie, The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret…