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We import more antibiotics to promote animal growth than treat people. AAP

A game plan to win the coming fight against superbugs

We depend on antibiotics to treat what previously were fatal conditions. But the more we use them, the more the bacteria they fight become resistant to all the weapons in our arsenal. Bacterial resistance…
Ecstasy harder to get, poorer in quality, users report. Photo: AAP.

Frustrated ecstasy users trying new designer drugs

Low purity and scarcity is driving down the popularity of ecstasy among regular users but more are using new synthetic party drugs such as BZP and mephedrone, according to a new report. An annual survey…
What problems? Wayne Swan meets British Chancellor George Osborne and Belgium’s Finance Minister Didier Reynders at April’s IMF meeting. AAP

Why Wayne Swan is the envy of the world right now

Federal Treasurer Wayne Swan says he is set to deliver a tough budget. Julia Gillard remains committed to bringing government back to surplus by 2013. Budget day is an appropriate moment to ask how the…
Canadian women defend their right to safety, no matter what they wear. flickr/Anton Bielousov

Sex, lies and slutwalking

Skimpy, scanty and suggestive attire have been one of the higher profile issues dividing feminists in recent years. In one camp, feminists of the second-wave, radical ilk have loudly decried the “sexualised…
Changes to the charity tax rules could impact on Gloria Jean’s among other organisations. Flickr/Edwin Tang ET

Charity tax changes to help lawyers and accountants, but no-one else

Tonight’s budget is expected to tighten a tax loophole for charities which run businesses unrelated to their charitable work. The government thinks it will increase revenue for Australia’s coffers. It…
Your grandparents’ lifespan can offer some valuable clues. joeduty/Flickr

Who wants to live forever?

It’s well known that humans are living longer than ever before, thanks partially to developments such as sanitation and modern medicine. But will it ever be possible for humans to live forever? The late…
Invest early for the best employment outcomes. AAP

Four ways to get people back into work

Tonight’s budget will bring major policy announcements directed at improving labour market outcomes for unemployed persons and welfare recipients. In her speech at the Sydney Institute on April 13, Julia…
It’s much-maligned, but Melbourne’s bike share scheme has the right idea. avlxyz/flickr

Sustainable design, consumption and change

There’s been a boom in sustainable products and packaging from keep cups to green bags - but how important is sustainable design in reducing our global footprint? Sustainable design can play a critical…
People who exercise have a smaller risk of heart attacks despite larger salt intake. lululemon athletica/flickr

Sodium study should be taken with a large pinch of salt

A recent article has questioned received wisdom regarding the adverse impact of salt on health. Unfortunately, naïve researchers and journal editors looking to stir up a controversy are confusing this…
It’s more likely to be the accompanying potatoes or your natural post-lunch dip. tuchodi/flickr

Monday’s medical myth: eating turkey makes you sleepy

It has been long-rumoured that gobbling up turkey meat has a mysterious soporific effect, rendering its consumers progressively drowsier. Sounds like a good story, and certainly one that’s worth checking…
First Minister Alex Salmond has promised to hold a referendum on Scottish independence. AAP

How Scottish elections could deliver an Australian republic

Australian republicans should watch the Scots. In the Scottish Parliamentary election held on 5 May, the Scottish National Party (SNP) secured an overall majority. Formerly in minority government in Scotland…
Future falls in mineral prices could hurt Australia’s economy. AAP

Are we in danger of squandering the boom?

The International Monetary Fund recently called on Australia to bank more of the proceeds of the resources boom. The fund has warned that Australia needs to manage its resources wisely, or run the risk…
The Nanopatch has potential to change the way vaccines are delivered. AIBN

Don’t look away, injections could be a thing of the past

A couple of facts: 1) At least 10% of the world’s population are “needle phobic”, which means they’re missing out on being vaccinated and/or have a horror of receiving jabs of any kind. Several studies…
PM Julia Gillard says there’s only way the surplus should go. AAP

Federal Budget 2011: Do we need a budget surplus?

“The right thing to do with an economy that is moving towards full capacity and full strength is to deliver a budget surplus.” - Prime Minister Julia Gillard In collaboration with The Drum, The Conversation…
The breast cancer research agenda is more balanced due to its public profile. AAP

Funding cancer research should not be a popularity contest

Some of the most serious forms of cancer are less likely to be the subject of a clinical trial than cancers with a less significant health impact. Research shows that even being a disease is a popularity…
The Javanese language is in decline. EPA/Adi Weda

Loss of languages speaks volumes about changing times

The manifesto of the Foundation for Endangered Languages states, quite accurately, that “There is agreement among linguists that over half of the world’s languages are not being passed on to the next generation…
We’ve got the time, if you’ve got the theory. h.koppdelaney/Flickr

Explainer: the fifth dimension

By now we’re used to the idea that the world has four dimensions: three spatial and one temporal. But what if there were a fifth dimension – what would that dimension look like, and how would it relate…
Diverse is nice, but sometimes bigger is better. Flickr/Global Crop Diversity Trust

Seed banking at a size that matters

Since we realised we were on the brink of a global extinction crisis in the 1980s, seed banks have emerged as powerful tools to protect species. Most banks focus on biodiversity, which means a range of…
How big’s your majority, Harper? AAP

Canada votes, and changes the political landscape

Recent Canadian elections have produced minority governments. Until now. Stephen Harper’s victory in the polls last week fundamentally changed Canadian politics. Majority government is back and it is Conservative…
Some people benefit from salt restriction while others don’t.

Four seasons in one day: getting the right dose of salt

Ah, salt. We love its taste and yearn to use it liberally in our cooking. But we’re told to limit our salt consumption for the sake of our health. Much like a low cholesterol product, the low salt option…
Our old-fashioned addiction will be hard to kick. JD Hancock/flickr

Going up: peak oil wolf is scratching at the door

Oil is a finite and non-renewable resource. Its production is going to peak. “Peak oil” is the point at which half of the world’s original endowment of oil has been extracted. This is the point at which…