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Artículos sobre 2024 presidential election

Mostrando 21 - 30 de 30 artículos

Leadership and likability questions help pollsters predict who might win. Osaka Wayne Studios/Moment via Getty Images

Polls have value, even when they are wrong

Data gleaned from even early polls reveals critical clues on how voters view candidates and issues.
Donald Trump may be barred from holding public office due to a constitutional amendment disqualifying those who have taken part in ‘insurrection or rebellion.’ Mike Stobe/Getty Images

Georgia indictment and post-Civil War history make it clear: Trump’s actions have already disqualified him from the presidency

US law actually bars former President Donald Trump from holding office ever again. The recent Georgia indictment of Trump helps make the case.
Former U.N. Ambassador and South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley announces her presidential run in Charleston, S.C, on Feb. 15, 2023. Bill Clark/CQ-Roll Call via Getty Images

Presidential hopefuls are considering these 5 practical factors before launching their 2024 campaigns

Senators, governors, representatives and past presidents have to weigh multiple factors before declaring their 2024 run for president. Campaign financing is one of them.
Caucusgoers stand beneath the sign for the South Carolina delegation at the Democratic National Convention. Bill Clark /CQ-Roll Call, Inc. via Getty Images

Diversity and moderation over tradition – why Democrats moved South Carolina to the start of the 2024 presidential campaign

The Democratic National Committee is shaking up its presidential nominating calendar to give people of color an earlier vote in the process.

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