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Artículos sobre Abortion

Mostrando 241 - 260 de 390 artículos

When Dirty Dancing is reduced to its dance sequences, the powerful politics of the film are erased. Vestron Pictures

The Real Dirty Dancing reduces a political film to little more than coy dance numbers

Dirty Dancing’s dance sequences are stand-alone properties, famous in their own right. But when they’re considered in isolation, the film’s messy class, race and gender politics are sidelined.
Women may need to shop around for a new doctor if the first one refuses to perform an abortion for religious reasons. from

Women may find it tougher to get an abortion if the religious discrimination bill becomes law

Doctors who won’t perform abortions on religious grounds may have stronger legal protection and may not be compelled to refer women to an alternative provider. Here’s why that’s bad news for women.
The recent decriminalisation debates in Australia have included a new focus on partial restrictions on abortions – a strategy that has been very successful in many US states. Joel Carrett/AAP

How the US right-to-life movement is influencing the abortion debate in Australia

The Australian right-to-life movement is tiny compared to the US, but its recent adoption of US-style campaign strategies has given it an outsize voice in the debate here.
Half of women seeking second and third-trimester abortions do so because of foetal abnormalities. Sasha Freemind

Here’s why there should be no gestational limits for abortion

If NSW decriminalises abortion, women will be able to access a termination up to 22 weeks’ gestation. But such cut-offs are arbitrary and should be abandoned.
Screenshot from ‘Maude’s Dilemma.’ Amazon Prime Video

A concise history of the US abortion debate

Abortion has been a huge political issue in the US for the last 50 years. But the abortion debate is not new. It began at least a century before landmark abortions rights decision Roe v. Wade.
Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey signing a bill that virtually outlaws abortion in the state. Hal Yeager/Alabama Governor's Office via AP

Women have been the heart of the Christian right for decades

Conservative Christian women have played key roles in the anti-abortion movement for decades, but their contributions are often overlooked in language that focuses on men.

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