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Artículos sobre betting odds

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The spinning wheel game ‘EO’ became popular after statutes banned gambling with devices featuring ‘numbers or figures.’ Heritage Art/Getty Images

How the 18th-century ‘probability revolution’ fueled the casino gambling craze

Early writers on probability had explained how the ‘house advantage’ didn’t need to be large for a gambling enterprise to profit enormously. But gamblers and gambling operators were slow to catch on.
Coal seam gas has proved a hot topic ahead of the NSW election, not only on the campaign trail but also on social media, where a ‘social mood reader’ can reveal the depth of community feeling. NewZulu/Tony Markham/AAP

Finding new ways to track voters’ moods, beyond polls and punters

Beyond polls and betting markets, how else can we gauge how people feel ahead of future elections? Social media is a goldmine, and one of the newer ways to tap into it is with a “social mood reader”.

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