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Artículos sobre BJP

Mostrando 61 - 68 de 68 artículos

Kashmir is one of many foreign policy challenges facing India’s new government. EPA

Foreign policy will be a crucial challenge for the incoming Modi government

In the coming days, India’s new prime minister, Narendra Modi, will have to set out exactly how he plans to fix the economy and address many domestic issues. But politics doesn’t stop at the border. Modi’s…
Narendra Modi has sent out mixed messages on women’s rights. EPA/Money Sharma

How will women in India fare under a Modi BJP government?

Narendra Modi’s BJP has won a massive election victory in India – the first time any party has secured an outright majority since the Congress Party won in 1984 after the assassination of Indira Gandhi…

The man who dines alone

Love him or loathe him, there is no denying that only Narendra Modi can claim credit for the landslide victory of the Bharatiya Janata Party in India’s just-concluded 16th General Election. The BJP fought…
India’s 14th prime minister is the BJP’s Narendra Modi after a month-long election campaign. EPA

Modi wave sweeps India

After nearly six weeks of voting, the verdict is out. Indians have thrown out the Congress-led government of Manmohan Singh in favour of the conservative Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), led by Narendra Modi…
A Bharatiya Janata Party official said people who don’t vote for Narendra Modi have no place in India and should move to Pakistan, taking campaigning to a new low. EPA/Divyakant Solanki

The meanest election India has ever seen

With results due in next week, campaigning for India’s 16th Lok Sabha (lower house) election is in its final stages. Commentators are calling this the meanest election India has ever seen, with mudslinging…
Nuclear weapons have meant Indo-Pakistani conflicts haven’t escalated further. AAP

India election: BJP may shift away from no-first-use nuclear policy

India is at the polls to elect the 16th Lok Sabha – the lower house of the Indian parliament. The outcome will decide the fate of the next government in New Delhi, and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP…
Getting mighty crowded: 800m is a lot of people to get to the polls. EPA/Jagadeesh NV

Social media scrutiny promises a cleaner election in India

The first set of Indian constituencies goes to the polls on April 7 in what has been described as “the biggest election ever seen”. The scale of organisation needed to co-ordinate this democratic exercise…

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