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Artículos sobre Brexit

Mostrando 121 - 140 de 1730 artículos

The “Vote Leave” bus got plenty of attention for its bad misuse of statistics. We know a lot more about Brexit now. Stefan Rousseau / PA images / Alamy stock photo

Brexit: five years after the referendum, here are five things we’ve learned

After the Brexit referendum, the most-Googled question in the UK was ‘What does it mean to leave the European Union?’ Five years later, we still don’t have the full answer.
Nicola Sturgeon, first minister of Scotland and Douglas Ross, the Scottish Conservative Party leader, in a pre-election debate. PA Images / Alamy Stock Photo

Scottish independence: what’s at stake in May elections

A transcript of episode 13 of The Conversation Weekly podcast, including new research on neuroplasticity in the brain.
Northern Irish protesters on April 7, 2021, burn the Peace Gate in Belfast, built in the 1990s to separate the city’s warring Protestant and Catholic communities. Charles McQuillan/Getty Images

Northern Ireland, born of strife 100 years ago, again erupts in political violence

Brexit has reopened an old battle over Northern Irish identity, leading to clashes in the street. Scores have been injured in the troubled UK territory’s worst outbreak of violence in decades.

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