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Artículos sobre Business studies

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Young entrepreneurs like Nigerian taxi boss Bankole Cardoso (26) want to learn how to do business - but they also want something very different from the traditional, structured MBA. REUTERS/Akintunde Akinleye

What young Africans want from business education programmes

Young, entrepreneurial Africans want more flexibility and values-based learning than they feel is offered by a traditional MBA.
Bunches of case studies on your doorstep. Flower Factor

Business schools should study flower shops, not blue chips

Legend has it that notorious American hold-up man Willie Sutton, who netted an estimated US$2m between the late 1920s and his final arrest in 1952, was once asked why he robbed banks. His reply: “Because…
By day, they were mild-mannered business studies academics. Olaf Gradin

Wanted: crime-fighting academics to catch corporate criminals

“Behind every great fortune lies a great crime.” This maxim is attributed to 19th century man of letters Honoré de Balzac – the suggestion being that business activity of any kind is inherently corrupt…

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