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Artículos sobre Calvin Coolidge

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Annie Hughes Griffiths holds the Welsh women’s petition for peace at the White House on February 21 1924, alongside (l-r) Gladys Thomas, Mary Ellis and Elined Prys. WCIA/Temple of Peace Archives

A century ago, the women of Wales made an audacious appeal for world peace – this is their story

A tour of the US was the culmination of an extraordinary peace campaign that gathered 390,296 signatures from women all over Wales. So why does it not appear in any history books?
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, standing at center and facing left just above the eagle, takes the presidential oath of office for the third time in 1941. FDR Presidential Library and Museum via Flickr

Has any US president ever served more than eight years?

Only one president has done so – Franklin Delano Roosevelt – but others considered it, and even tried.
It’s a top government job, but what does being vice president mean? AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

What does the vice president do?

The vice president may be second in line for the most powerful job in the nation, but there isn’t necessarily a lot to do besides wait – unless the president wants another adviser.
A television set turned on in the West Wing of the White House. AP Photo/Susan Walsh

A brief history of presidential lethargy

Calvin Coolidge, during one stretch of his presidency, was getting 15 hours of shut-eye each day, while William Howard Taft was known for nodding off during public events.

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