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Artículos sobre China

Mostrando 2401 - 2420 de 2610 artículos

Special Economic Zones such as Shenzhen provided the policy basis for Chinese growth. AAP

Looking past doomsday rhetoric: China’s free trade zones

As markets commence the new year in a sense of panic on the back of an uncertain outlook for China’s economy, I am brought back to a bookshop discovery I made in 2001 and the pending doom and gloom which…
Xu Zhiyong, jailed for four years. for inciting public disorder. Wikimedia Commons

China’s war on thought is being waged in Western universities

In the past decade, US and UK universities have embarked on a program of developing formal relationships, exchanges, and partnerships with their counterparts in China. No scholar interested in promoting…
After China, which way will Hong Kong turn? Vincent Yu

Stockpiling seized ivory lends it undeserved legitimacy

Hong Kong’s Endangered Species Advisory Committee meets today to decide whether to follow China’s lead and destroy its own (33-tonne) stockpile of contraband ivory. This is welcome news, but the destruction…
Console games have been banned in China for 14 years, but a relaxation of the restrictions could be a boon for Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo. EPA/Ym Yik

China lifts console ban, but ‘protected’ gamers hard to woo

The relaxation of a ban on the sale of video game consoles in China has opened up an enormous market for the three big console manufacturers. The sudden opening has already precipitated a surge in Nintendo’s…
Rupert Murdoch has long been attracted to China, but was it a case of unrequited love? AAP/Dan Himbrechts

China proves immune to Murdoch-style regime change

Having created an empire on which the sun never sets, it must have been a heavy blow to Rupert Murdoch when his company, 21st Century Fox, announced last week it had sold its 47% stake in Star China TV…
‘Let your mouth rejoice’ (bite the wax tadpole): Coca Cola in China. Ming Xia

China’s youth want a movie, a Coke and a Big Mac

It’s clear that the financial influence of China is now global: it has invested $75 billion in Africa over the last 10 years in large infrastructure projects while China’s state news agency, Xinhua, has…
Debt; dollar; deficit - the mantra for this year, amid a turbulent political period. AAP

2013, the year that was: Business and Economy

Debt. Dollar. Deficits. Three little words so close to the hearts of our contributors in a year dominated by a critical federal election, a waning mining boom and continuing international turbulence. The…
Huawei’s technology HQ in Shenzen. Brücke-Osteuropa

Keeping tabs on Huawei raises awkward questions for everyone

In its often fractious dealings with western governments, Chinese tech giant Huawei has been repeatedly accused of being a proxy for government espionage and other practices unbecoming of a global corporation…
The Chinese government is pushing manufacturers, and in particular, steelmakers, to be more energy efficient, reducing demand for Australian coal. EPA/Mark

Increased energy efficiency in China could ‘strand’ Australian mining projects

Rapid increases in energy efficiency in Chinese manufacturing, especially in the steel production sector, will temper demand for Australian coal exports and put billions of dollars in investment at risk…
So, you found my ancestors? Are you sure this time? epsos

Earliest evidence of cat domestication found in China

There has been much debate about how cats went from hunting in the wild to a much-loved pet. That is because we know little about their domestication. Now researchers have found the earliest case of cat…
China: “No, thanks. We don’t want a Nobel peace prize.” andreasl

China isn’t creative enough to win a science Nobel

“China is at the forefront of medicine and hi-tech and computing.” So said UK Chancellor George Osborne, who recently visited the country. Global tests for 15-year-olds show the youth of Shanghai are comfortably…
Despite being the world’s biggest greenhouse gas emitter, China is increasing its renewable sources of energy. AAP/HOW HWEE YOUNG

China roars ahead with renewables

China’s National Energy Administration (NEA) has just released some remarkable data on the addition of new electric generating capacity in 2013. China’s electric power system has been growing at a tremendous…
This Russian-built nuclear power plant in India may be one of many soon appearing in developing countries. Rafiq Maqbool/AP

Nations’ nuclear ambitions not discouraged by few suppliers

UN inspectors descend on Iran this week to visit the Arak heavy water plant, and engineers at the wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plants in Japan attempt one of the most challenging nuclear salvage operations…
Thick haze has shrouded Shanghai for the past week, in the latest instance of extreme air pollution. Wikimediacommons/Galaxyharrylion

Shanghai’s ‘airpocalypse’: can China fix its deadly pollution?

The current “airpocolypse” emergency in Shanghai - which has seen schoolchildren ordered indoors to protect them from the polluted air, flights grounded and companies ordered to cut production - comes…
At ease: Indian soldiers deployed at the 2010 Commonwealth Games. John Giles/PA

West fears the rise of some countries more than others

When a highly populous, rapidly developing, nuclear armed, space-voyaging and increasingly assertive Asian nation announces the purchase of its third aircraft carrier, a few months after launching its…
Affordable housing in China is usually clustered into fenced housing estates of 1000 to 4000 dwelling units. Rebecca L.H. Chiu

China plans 36 million affordable homes: lessons for Australia

The sudden dismissal of Australia’s National Housing Supply Council last month suggests we may be entering a new housing policy vacuum. This is bad news for aspiring first home buyers, whose numbers have…
China has aspirations to become a green/low-carbon country, but significant reform is required.

All change: China’s reform agenda shuns growth at any cost

Last month Chinese leader Xi Jinping set out his top reform agendas for China’s next decade, setting out important policies, ranging from political reforms, social policy and market reform, to a commitment…
One more in the sky, this time on a grey rock. Xinhua

Prestige and one-upmanship fuel China’s lunar rover

Earlier this week China launched one of its venerable Long March rockets. That event in itself is no longer news as China has become one of the world’s busiest and most reliable providers of satellite…
Burberry if facing a trademark fight in China after failing to use its traditional Haymarket tartan in handbags for more than three years. vampirex/Flickr

Burberry’s China trademark threat a handbag war worth fighting

Burberry’s iconic Haymarket check tartan pattern is under threat following a trademark dispute in China. Local fashion manufacturer Polo Santa Roberta successfully applied to have the Burberry trademark…

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