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Artículos sobre David Cameron

Mostrando 261 - 280 de 369 artículos

It’s got truth serum in it? PA

Hoax calls to the PM are the price we pay for democracy

The ease with which a hoaxer was recently able to call the prime minister’s mobile phone, pretending to be the head of GCHQ, highlights a major dilemma for democratic political leaders. Cameron said he…
Have fracking opponents over-estimated Cameron’s enthusiasm for fracking? Jeff J Mitchell

Shale fail: David Cameron has not gone ‘all out’ for fracking

David Cameron might have been forced into accepting several restrictions on fracking to avoid a Commons defeat, but one thing that has never appeared in doubt is the Conservative party leadership’s commitment…
What happens when it doesn’t add up? EPA/Daniel Deme

How negotiations over a hung parliament might work in 2015

Britain is now in full general election countdown mode – and the polls indicate another hung parliament is the most likely outcome on May 7. Gus O’Donnell, the former cabinet secretary, recently reflected…
Does the fat bird catch the fattest worms? Alex Gorka

Buying fake accounts won’t get you anywhere on Twitter

Two of Scotland’s leading politicians illustrate an interesting phenomenon on Twitter. In the wake of the Scottish National Party’s surge in popularity following the independence referendum, Nicola Sturgeon…
‘No, you love Juncker more.’ Paul Rogers/PA

Labour and the Lib Dems are crashing the Eurosceptic party

As prime minister David Cameron works on the finishing touches of his much-awaited speech on Europe and immigration he is under considerable pressure from his backbenchers and some frontbenchers to signal…

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