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Artículos sobre David Cameron

Mostrando 81 - 100 de 369 artículos

EPA/Sebastian Kahnert

Brexit: the view from Germany

Chancellor Angela Merkel wouldn’t like to see Britain leave the EU, but a remain vote is not necessarily an easy option either.
From Prime Minister David Cameron down, UK ministers have been keen to unveil ambitious ‘City Deals’, often before difficult policy and funding details have been resolved. flickr/Number 10

City Deals: nine reasons this imported model of urban development demands due diligence

The new cities minister apparently shares the Property Council and KPMG’s enthusiasm for the UK ‘City Deals’ model, but he should look more closely at this ‘tried and tested’ model before adopting it.
David Cameron chairing a COBRA meeting in 2014. Neil Hall / PA Archive/Press Association Images

Explainer: what is COBRA?

The government’s crisis management committee sounds as if it can strike fast and effectively.
The UK government has become increasingly desperate to find any means it can to reduce its number of new migrants. Reuters/Neil Hall

Why is the UK ramping up costs for potential Australian migrants?

Australian citizens make up one of the largest groups entering the UK each year for work or study. But this could change as Australians get swept up in Britain’s efforts to reduce net migration.

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