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Artículos sobre EPA

Mostrando 21 - 40 de 78 artículos

Oil refiners are fined for exceeding air pollution limits when rules are enforced. AP Photo/David J. Phillip

The EPA has backed off enforcement under Trump – here are the numbers

Data gathered from EPA reports, staffers and retirees show the Trump administration has brought fewer environmental enforcement actions to conclusion and deferred more to states.
A discarded Juul on the floor of a San Francisco streetcar March 20, 2018. Julia McQuoid

E-cigarettes and a new threat: How to dispose of them

E-cigarettes are hotly debated because of the uncertainty of whether they are a gateway to cigarette smoking for teens, or an aid to smoking cessation. One thing is clear: They are not biodegradable.
Rather than fade into the night, coal plants could stick around longer under Trump’s proposal. Duke Energy

Trump’s coal plan – neither clean nor affordable

Trump’s energy plan may meet the letter of the law but the Affordable Clean Energy Plan reflects the administration’s clear agenda to move slowly or not at all on climate change.
California and the Trump administration are going different directions on mileage standards. AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli

Trump administration and California are on collision course over vehicle emissions rules

Law scholars from California unpack the legal questions raised by the Trump administration’s plan to roll back mileage standards and revoke California’s ability to set more stringent rules.
One of EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s signature moves has been to put the brakes on stringent fuel economy rules. AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

I’m suing Scott Pruitt’s broken EPA - here’s how to fix it

An academic suing the EPA over its decision to bar certain scientists from serving on advisory boards says the EPA needs to address legitimate criticisms to rebuild after Pruitt.
Fuel economy and air pollution regulations have lowered pollution and pushed industry to innovate. Mike Roberts

Why EPA’s U-turn on auto efficiency rules gives China the upper hand

The Trump administration announced a plan to relax fuel economy standards, but well-designed regulations can drive clean car innovations that make U.S. industry globally competitive.
Fracking has led to an increase in truck traffic, one of the reasons for worsening trends on air quality in areas with oil and gas drilling. AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast

How has the US fracking boom affected air pollution in shale areas?

The fracking boom has led to a large increase of hydrocarbon emissions in rural areas, reversing some regional air toxics trends.
Grid operators set the prices for energy markets and are structured to take the lowest prices – a disadvantage for coal and nuclear power.

The pull of energy markets – and legal challenges – will blunt plans to roll back EPA carbon rules

Two moves by the Trump administration signal a dramatic shift in energy policy to favor coal and nuclear, but markets forces and legal challenges mean changes could take years.
Environmentalists are not fans of EPA chief Scott Pruitt. Reuters/Mike Theiler

How environmentalists can regroup for the Trump era

Green groups fighting Trump’s anti-environmental agenda should heed precedents from the Reagan and George W. Bush administrations. They can also learn from the Australian experience.
People gather outside the White House in Washington, D.C. on Thursday, June 1, 2017, to protest President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate change accord. AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Why is climate change such a hard sell in the US?

While many people are willing to happily gamble with pharmaceuticals, which may offer the most trivial of benefits, they are not ready to believe the facts on climate change.

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