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Artículos sobre EPA

Mostrando 61 - 78 de 78 artículos

Trying to stop an incinerator project in Baltimore. United Workers/Flickr

Environmental justice: big ambitions, little action

The EPA and other federal agencies have yet to address environmental justice – despite a long history of poor and minority communities suffering environmental ills disproportionately.
Should the EPA figure the cost of reducing mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants for health reasons? Adam

Justices debate benefits and costs of EPA mercury power plant rule

A Supreme Court case could undo a key piece of the Obama’s environmental agenda, which hinges on whether the EPA should consider the costs of air pollution controls from coal plants.
Corporate infiltration of expert advice is a battleground on both sides of the Atlantic. Igor Stevanovic

Why a US battle over corporate hijacking of science matters in Europe

On both sides of the Atlantic it would appear that evidence-based policy is in jeopardy. The scientific advice that government and regulators rely upon to inform their decision-making is under attack…
Children are particularly susceptible to the toxic effects of lead because their brains and bodies are still developing. Viacheslav Nikolaenko/Shutterstock

Toxic playgrounds: Broken Hill kids exposed to poisonous dust

In the shadows of Broken Hill’s rich mining history lies a legacy of contamination and regulatory failure that will likely outlive any benefits locals derive from mining. One in five children aged under…
It’s been suggested that fish oil is the snake oil of our generation. exoimperator/Flickr

Health Check: fish oil, anyone?

An estimated one in four Australians currently take fish oil supplements daily because of its perceived benefits. There are suggestions that fish oil is good for a range of health conditions including…

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