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Artículos sobre G20

Mostrando 161 - 180 de 234 artículos

Prime Minister of The Netherlands Mark Rutte reacts as he listens to Australian Prime Minster Tony Abbott, in Canberra. AAP Image/Reuters POOL, David Gray

Grattan on Friday: Game of cat-and-bear as Abbott pursues Putin

The Russians have started coming. On Thursday, an aircraft with about 80-90 Russians arrived in preparation for the G20 Leaders’ Summit in Brisbane. There will be four more official planes, including President…
From St Petersburg to Brisbane. The G20 leaders are expected to cover a lot of territory. Sergei Karpukhin/EPA/AAP

Success for the G20 Leaders’ Summit is …

Suppose that on the evening of November 16, the G20 leaders release a 25-page communique with hundreds of recommendations on global health, security, climate change, human rights etc. Would this be regarded…

Does multilateralism still matter?

For those of us who believe that international institutions are a good idea in principle, these ought to be quite exciting times. After all, we’re about to host the G20 and there will be an even bigger…
Lost amid the immediate G20 hoopla is a much bigger wave of incoming disruption. Shutterstock

G20 or G20th century? Leaders blind to the next wave of disruption

As world leaders gather in Brisbane this month to tackle an increasingly fractious global economy, let’s cast our mind back exactly one hundred years. In 1914, the world was about to plunge into a period…
Too big to fail, or too big to jail? Mike Chaput/Flickr

A message for G20 leaders considering banks too big to fail

The global financial crisis had many causes. But it was generally acknowledged at the time and since, that failures of ethics, integrity and trust were an important part of the problem. US Republican Senator…
Where are the women? Though light on female representation, the G20 finance ministers and central bank governors can’t ignore the role women could play towards boosting economic growth. Drew Angerer/EPA/AAP

Why Joe Hockey and the G20 need women onside

Many Australian women will know the G20 summit is coming up in Brisbane, but they may not think it has much relevance to their daily lives. But that is not the case. Joe Hockey needs us, and he may not…
Outreach is a crucial element of the G20 leaders summit. Shutterstock

Explainer: who gets invited to the G20 summit, and why

The G20 is full of traps for the unwary punter, new to its byzantine ways. There are not 20 member countries in the G20, for example. There are 19 countries, plus the European Union. In November, you will…
The G20’s impressive declaratory record on energy cooperation hides serious practical shortcomings.

Global commitment issues on display at the G20

With the Brisbane G20 Leaders Summit only a matter of weeks away, Australia is increasingly succumbing to G20 fever. Rarely does a self-declared middle power such as Australia get to play host to such…
Opening a mine in Queensland this week, Prime Minister Tony Abbott said coal was “good for humanity”. Dan Peled/AAP

Abbott’s G20 agenda: climate still the elephant in the room

News emerging from Washington last week suggests climate change may amount to more than an FAQ in the appendices of this November’s G20 leaders’ summit agenda. President Obama’s deputy national security…
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Tony Abbott during the retreat session of the APEC Summit in 2013. EPA/MAST IRHAM/POOL

Some diplomatic dancing over the Abbott-Putin encounter

Tony Abbott did not repeat his pledge to “shirt-front” Vladimir Putin when pressed on the subject a day after his initial threat. Now the promise is for a “very, very robust conversation” with the Russian…
Russian President Vladimir Putin has faced criticism from both sides of Australian politics. EPA/ALEXEY NIKOLSKY / RIA NOVOSTI / KREMLIN POOL

Abbott vows to shirt-front Putin as Russian diplomat recalls better times

A senior Russian diplomat says Australia-Russia relations are at a “historic low”, as Tony Abbott has pledged to “shirt-front” Vladimir Putin at the G20 next month over the downing of flight MH17. In a…
IMF managing director Christine Lagarde says the economic recovery underway in many markets is “brittle, uneven and beset by risks”. Dave Hunt/AAP

The world has an economic growth problem, and more G20 spending won’t fix it

Last week the IMF revised its 2014 global economic growth forecast down to 3.3% from the 3.7% expected six months ago, confirming that most economies around the world, Australia included, continue to underperform…
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s attendance at the G20 is awkward for Tony Abbott. EPA/MAXIM SHIPENKOV

Managing the elephant at the Brisbane G20

The G20 is bigger than the bad behaviour of any one country, and it would be unfortunate if the controversy over Russian president Vladimir Putin’s presence – now confirmed - were to overshadow next month’s…
Global infrastructure agendas must not marginalise developing countries

The pitfalls of the G20 infrastructure agenda

Australia’s G20 infrastructure agenda aims to increase quality investment into global projects. The agenda advocates using the private sector to develop infrastructure in order to boost global growth and…
Treasurer Joe Hockey has picked up the pace on tax information sharing, in response to a push by the OECD. Dave Hunt/AAP

What’s needed for Australia to seriously tackle tax avoidance

Despite Treasurer Joe Hockey’s continued statements that the government is doing “everything we can … to ensure that companies that earn profits in Australia pay tax in Australia”, the federal government…
Treasurer Joe Hockey joins a long line of leaders unable to close the gap between promise and reality. Dave Hunt/AAP

Joe Hockey and the G20 headed for promise fatigue

Governments are notorious for missing targets. Look no further than France or Spain’s recent fiscal calumny, despite the European Union’s excessive deficit procedure. Closer to home, the Association of…
Australia is pushing for the creation of a G20 infrastructure hub.

Building big: does Australia need a global infrastructure hub?

Infrastructure investment is failing to attract the funding it needs to support global growth. As of June 2014, the managed funds industry in Australia had just over $2.4 trillion dollars under management…
Australia is striving to lead the G20 growth target - but the truth is the reform needed is hard and painful. Dave Hunt/AAP

Little appetite for painful reform needed to hit G20 growth target

In 2000 in Lisbon the European Union countries met and agreed on the “Lisbon Agenda”. Europe was already lagging in terms of growth and jobs, and it was hoped that the Agenda would “deliver stronger, lasting…
The Finance Ministers meeting in Cairns is a chance for Treasurer Joe Hockey to show leadership on OECD-recommended tax reform. Dan Himbrechts/AAP

G20 host Australia faces hard truths of multinational profit shifting

The G20 Finance Ministers have the opportunity this weekend to endorse the initial recommendations of the OECD on how to address the global problem of multinational tax avoidance. The work of the OECD…
Google books much of its Australian profit to offshore operations. Tawel/Flickr

Information is power: OECD tax plan puts Apple and Google on notice

Public outcries over tax avoidance by multinational enterprises like Apple and Google have pushed politicians to act. The unprecedented international political will to combat base erosion profit shifting…

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