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Artículos sobre Global perspectives

Mostrando 1621 - 1640 de 3376 artículos

Exchange students from several universities in ASEAN countries at a university in Thailand. Encouraging trans-ASEAN student mobility is a huge challenge. Thiranun Kunatum/Shutterstock

Trans-ASEAN education can play a role in building a regional community

Southeast Asian countires have a goal to integrate their higher education network to give young generations a truly regional experience. Is it possible?
After Haiti signed its Declaration of Independence from France, in 1804, the U.S. started a nearly 60-year political and economic embargo that hobbled the young nation’s growth. Wikimedia

Donald Trump doesn’t understand Haiti, immigration or American history

Trump’s anti-Haitian rhetoric ignores a long pattern of migration from Haiti to the U.S., often driven by American meddling in Haitian affairs. Today, the two nations are irrevocably bound by history.
North Koreans cheer in this November 2017 as they watch a news broadcast announcing Kim Jong-un’s order to test-fire the inter-continental ballistic missile Hwasong-15 at the Pyongyang Train Station in Pyongyang, North Korea. (AP Photo/Jon Chol Jin)

The case for using military force against North Korea

Military options should, and must, be on the table if diplomacy fails to compel North Korea to de-nuclearize.
How fast can quantum computing get? Research shows there’s a limit. Vladvm/

Quantum speed limit may put brakes on quantum computers

A future that continues to have increasingly fast computing depends on quantum physics – but research is showing that there are limits to how fast quantum computers can go.
Intersectionality in action: Brazilian women are organizing across class and race lines to decry inequality in a country that remains deeply ‘machista.’ Naco Doce/Reuters

Beyond #MeToo, Brazilian women rise up against racism and sexism

Before #MeToo, Brazilian women launched #MyFirstHarrassment and marched for racial equality. Today, this feminist resurgence is tackling health care, plastic surgery, violence and more.
A day after Donald Trump met with Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg, he told lawmakers the U.S. should have more immigrants from places like Norway and not “shithole” countries like Haiti. AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

‘Shithole countries’: Trump uses the rhetoric of dictators

Donald Trump’s language has disturbing similarities to the words and verbal tactics used by fascists, including his cries of “fake news” and his obsessive exaggerations about his achievements.
This year the Chinese Communist Party will tackle some of it’s biggest economic hurdles. AAP

What we can expect from China’s economy in 2018

The Chinese government will use its consolidated power to try to reign in some of the biggest problems facing its economy in 2018.

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