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Artículos sobre Kashmir

Mostrando 41 - 49 de 49 artículos

Kashmiri villagers shout slogans during a funeral of civilians, in Beerwah, north of Srinagar, August 2016. Danish Ismail/Reuters

A new resistance in Kashmir

`Militancy’ in Kashmir has taken on significantly changed dimensions, described best not by the armed struggle of a few, but by the unarmed, highly discursive resistance over new spaces of protest.
The Indian government risks a serious escalation of violence if the Pakistani government and militant groups in that country respond with even more attacks. Mukesh Gupta/Reuters

What escalating Kashmir attacks tell us about Modi’s changing foreign policy

As the latest attack on an Indian army camp shows, India’s shift in policy from strategic restraint to preemptive self-defence is a serious gamble.
Something’s rotten… UTV Motion Pictures

Shakespeare wades into Indian freedom of expression row

A recent adaptation of Hamlet caused outrage in India, flagging up just how deep the rift between artistic culture and so called “Indian values” runs. When the trailer for Haider, Vishal Bhardwaj’s Kashmir-set…
Hoping for a comeback: al-Zawahiri. EPA/SITE

Al-Zawahiri hopes an Indian franchise will revive al-Qaeda

With Islamic State’s advance in Iraq and Syria gripping the world’s attention, al-Qaeda has been left on the sidelines. That all changed on September 4, as al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri released a 55-minute…
Narendra Modi won’t back away from border disputes with China if he wins the Indian election. Al Jazeera English/Flickr

Modi won’t be soft on China if he wins Indian election

Considering India’s aspirations to be a global power, foreign policy has played but a minor role in the current election campaign. The manifestos of the major parties also say little on the subject, so…

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