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Artículos sobre Malaria

Mostrando 101 - 120 de 260 artículos

Mosquitoes are one of the deadliest creatures because they are carriers for many lethal viruses. Shutterstock

Genetically modifying mosquitoes to control the spread of disease carries unknown risks

Genetically modified mosquitoes were released in Brazil in an attempt to halt the spread of dengue fever by reducing the mosquito population.
Studies on mortality in sub-Saharan Africa haven’t focused on the effects of climate change. Shutterstock

Climate and mortality rates in Kenya, Mali, and Malawi: what we found

African countries need to take into account the effects environmental changes, like climate change, have on their ability to deal with food security, poverty reduction and lowering mortality rates.
Three species of immature mosquito: the common house mosquito, and the malaria vectors An. arabiensis and An. funestus. Supplied

How higher temperatures and pollution are affecting mosquitoes

Researchers are only beginning to understand the impact of pollution and increased temperatures on the biology of mosquitoes.
A female Anopheles stephensi mosquito bites a human to get a blood meal through its pointed proboscis. A droplet of blood is expelled from the abdomen after having engorged itself. Jim Gathany/Wikimedia Commons

Using gene drives to control wild mosquito populations and wipe out malaria

Researchers are exploring genetic forms of population control called gene drives that spread traits faster that happens naturally. The goal is to curb mosquito-borne diseases like malaria.
View of Taichung City, Taiwan, behind a mosquito net. Alan Picard /

Opening up research labs with modified mosquitoes to the community

Genetically modified mosquitoes breed fear and suspicion, especially since the research happens behind closed doors, away from the public. Now scientists and architects are trying to change that model.

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